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Please note that orders being shipped out of the United States will typically carry a 10% increase in price due to document fees.
P.O Box 1587
Brandon FL 33509
Phone: (813)689-6706 or (800)237-7794
Fax: (813)684-5856
E-mail: [email protected]
Supplier #347
Box Size 22x12.5x18
Box Charges $2 per tray
Pack 196: 4-6/bx 32:3/bx oth 4/bx
Minimums 1 box
FOB Ft. Collins, CO
Total no of Plant(s) : 1810
Image Botanical Name Common Name Class/Size Price
Achillea a Greek 98 96 CP Achillea ageratifolia Greek 0.733
Achillea Little Moonshine 32 32 CP Achillea Little Moonshine 2.106
Achillea Little Moonshine 98 96 CP Achillea Little Moonshine 1.093
Achillea m DE Deep Rose 32 32 CP Achillea mil Desert Eve 2.000
Achillea m DE Deep Rose 98 96 CP Achillea mil Desert Eve 0.893
Achillea m DE Red 32 32 CP Achillea mil Desert Eve 2.000
Achillea m DE Red 98 96 CP Achillea mil Desert Eve 0.893
Achillea m DE Terra 32 32 CP Achillea mil Desert Eve 2.000
Achillea m DE Terra 98 96 CP Achillea mil Desert Eve 0.893
Achillea m DE Yellow 98 96 CP Achillea mil Desert Eve 0.893
Achillea m Paprika 32 32 CP Achillea mil 1.746
Achillea m Paprika 98 96 CP Achillea mil 0.720
Achillea SS Bright Pink 98 96 CP Achillea mil Skysail 0.786
Achillea SS Fire 98 96 CP Achillea mil Skysail 0.786
Achillea SS Yellow 98 96 CP Achillea mil Skysail 0.786
Achillea t Goldie 200 196 CP Achillea tom 0.373
Achillea t Goldie 98 96 CP Achillea tom 0.467
Achillea x Moonshine 32 32 CP Achillea Moooshine 1.786
Achillea x Moonshine 50 50 CP Achillea Moooshine 1.066
Achillea x Moonshine 98 96 CP Achillea Moooshine 0.773
Aegopodium p Variegatum 32 32 CP Aegopodium pod 2.346
Aegopodium p Variegatum 50 50 CP Aegopodium pod 1.333
Agastache Auran Coronado 32 32 CP Agastache Coronado 1.666
Agastache Auran Coronado 98 96 CP Agastache Coronado 0.786
Agastache Blue Boa 98 96 CP Agastache Blue Boa 0.893
Agastache c Dble Bubble Mint 96 CP Agastache cana 0.746
Agastache Crazy Fortune 98 96 CP Agastache Crazy Fortune 0.920
Agastache Morello 32 32 CP Agastache Morello 1.973
Agastache Morello 98 96 CP Agastache Morello 0.893
Agastache Poquito Butter Yello 96 CP Agastache Poquito Butter Yello 0.893