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Please note that orders being shipped out of the United States will typically carry a 10% increase in price due to document fees.
P.O Box 1587
Brandon FL 33509
Phone: (813)689-6706 or (800)237-7794
Fax: (813)684-5856
E-mail: [email protected]
Supplier #29
Box Size 24x12x18; 30lbs
Box Charges $9/box
Pack 4 Trays/Case
PHYTO $75.00 $35.00/Canada
Minimums 1 Case
FOB Gainesville, FL
Total no of Plant(s) : 1035
Image Botanical Name Common Name Class/Size Price
Verbena peru. Super Red 102 102 CP Red Peruviana Verbena 0.525
Verbena ten. Lacy Pink 102 102 CP Tenusecta Verbena 0.575
Verbena ten. Lacy Pink 4IN 18 CP Tenusecta Verbena 2.050
Verbena ten. Lacy Pink 50 50 CP Tenusecta Verbena 0.863
Verbena ten. Lacy Pink 72 72 CP Tenusecta Verbena 0.650
Viburnum o Grand Select 50 50CP Grand Select ovovatum Viburnum 0.800
Viburnum odorotisimum 50 50 CP Sweet Viburnum 0.625
Viburnum Suspensum 50 50 CP suspensum Viburnum 0.688
Viburnum Sweet Viburnum 50 50 CP Sweet Viburnum Viburnum 0.688
Vinca Major Expoflora 50 50 CP White & green Varg. 0.850
Vinca Major Expoflora 72 72 CP White & green Varg. 0.713
Whitefieldia White Candle 102 102 CP White Cancle Shrimp 0.638
Whitefieldia White Candle 4in 18 CP White Candle Shrimp 2.038
Whitefieldia White Candle 50 50 CP White Cancle Shrimp 0.850
Whitefieldia White Candle 72 72 CP White Cancle Shrimp 0.713