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P.O Box 1587
Brandon FL 33509
Phone: (813)689-6706 or (800)237-7794
Fax: (813)684-5856
E-mail: [email protected]
Supplier #347
Box Size 22x12.5x18
Box Charges $2 per tray
Pack 196: 4-6/bx 32:3/bx oth 4/bx
Minimums 1 box
FOB Ft. Collins, CO
Total no of Plant(s) : 1810
Image Botanical Name Common Name Class/Size Price
Hedera h Thorndale 98 96 CP Hedera helix 0.667
Helenium Hayday Gold Bicolor 32 CP Helnium Hayday 2.226
Helenium Hayday Orange 32 32 CP Helnium Hayday 2.226
Helenium Hayday Red Bicolor 32 32 CP Helnium Hayday 2.226
Helenium HD Gold Bicolor 98 96 CP Helenium Hayday 1.093
Helenium HD Orange 98 96 CP Helenium Hayday 1.093
Helenium HD Red 98 96 CP Helenium Hayday 1.093
Helenium HD Red Bicolor 98 96 CP Helenium Hayday 1.093
Helenium HD Yellow 98 96 CP Helenium Hayday 1.093
Helianthemum Ben Fhada 98 96 CP Helianthemum Ben Fhada 0.800
Helianthemum Ben Ledi 98 96 CP Helianthemum Ben Ledi 0.800
Helianthemum Fire Dragon 98 96 CP Helianthemum Fire Dragon 0.800
Helianthemum h Bronze Carpet 96 CP Helianthemum hybrid 0.800
Helianthemum Henfield Brillian 96 CP Helianthemum Henfield Brillian 0.800
Helianthemum Suncatcher 98 96 CP Helianthemum Suncatcher 0.973
Helianthemum t StSn Hokubetsi 96 CP Helianthemum trili 1.040
Heliopsis Luna Roja 72 72 CP Heliopsis Luna Roja 1.866
Herniara glabra 200 196 CP Herniara glabra 0.360
Herniara glabra 98 96 CP Herniara glabra 0.467
Heuchera Black Taffeta 32 32 CP Heuchera Black Taffeta 3.666
Heuchera Black Taffeta 98 96 CP Heuchera Black Taffeta 2.359
Heuchera BT Caramel Apple 98 96 CP Heuchera Big Top 1.880
Heuchera Caramel 98 96 CP Heuchera Caramel 1.746
Heuchera Carnival Blk Olive 32 32 CP Carnival Heuchera 3.199
Heuchera Carnival Blk Olive 98 96 CP Carnival Heuchera 1.813
Heuchera Carnival Cinam Stick 96 CP Carnival Heuchera 1.813
Heuchera Carnival Cinam Stick 32 CP Carnival Heuchera 3.199
Heuchera Carnival Limeade 98 96 CP Carnival Limeade Heuchera 1.813
Heuchera Carnival Peach Parfai 32 CP Carnival Heuchera 3.199
Heuchera Carnival Plum Crazy 96 CP Carnival Heuchera 1.813