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P.O Box 1587
Brandon FL 33509
Phone: (813)689-6706 or (800)237-7794
Fax: (813)684-5856
E-mail: [email protected]
Supplier #29
Box Size 24x12x18; 30lbs
Box Charges $9/box
Pack 4 Trays/Case
PHYTO $75.00 $35.00/Canada
Minimums 1 Case
FOB Gainesville, FL
Total no of Plant(s) : 1035
Image Botanical Name Common Name Class/Size Price
Strobilanthes dyerianus 72 72 CP Persian Shield 0.688
Tagetes lemonii 102 102 CP Aromatic w/Yellow Flw Tagetes 0.638
Tagetes lemonii 4IN 18 CP Aromatic w/Yellow Flw Tagetes 2.038
Tagetes lemonii 50 50 CP Aromatic w/Yellow Flw Tagetes 0.850
Tagetes lemonii 72 72 CP Aromatic w/Yellow Flw Tagetes 0.713
Tagetes lucida 4IN 18 CP Texas Terragon 2.038
Tagetes lucida 50 50 CP Texas Terragon 0.850
Tagetes lucida 72 72 CP Texas Terragon 0.713
Tags Assorted-Bundle of 100 100 Tags 7.500
Tarragon French 72 72 CP French Tarragon 0.800
Taxodium d. Bald Cypress 38 38 CP distichum Taxodium 0.675
Tecoma stans Esperanza 4IN 18 CP Esperanza Tecoma stans 3.175
Tecoma stans Esperanza 50 50 CP Esperanza Tecoma stans 0.863
Tecoma stans Esperanza 72 72 CP Esperanza Tecomaria stans 0.800
Tecomaria Cape Honeysuckle 72 72CP Tecomaria Cape Honeysuckle 0.825
Tecomaria Mango 72 72 CP Mango Cape Honeysuckle 0.750
Tecomaria Mango Honeysuckle 70 CP Tecomaria Mango Honeysuckle 0.825
Thryallis Galphima glauca 72 72 CP Rain of Gold 0.963
Thunbergia alata Sunlady 4IN 18 CP Sunlady Thunbergia 2.050
Thunbergia alata Sunlady 50 50 CP Sunlady Thunbergia 0.863
Thunbergia alata Sunlady 72 72 CP Sunlady Thunbergia 0.725
Thunbergia battiscombei 4IN 18 CP Blue Glory Thunbergia 2.050
Thunbergia battiscombei 50 50 CP Blue Glory Thunbergia 0.863
Thunbergia battiscombei 72 72 CP Blue Glory Thunbergia 0.725
Thunbergia g Sky Blue Vine 4 18 CP Sky Blue Vine Thunbergia 2.050
Thunbergia g Sky Blue Vine 50 50 CP Sky Blue Vine Thunbergia 0.863
Thunbergia g Sky Blue Vine 72 72 CP Sky Blue Vine Thunbergia 0.725
Thyme Lemon 4" 18 CP Thyme Lemon 2.150
Thyme Lemon 72 72 CP Thyme Lemon 0.713
Tibouchina granulosa 72 72 CP Glory Tree Tibouchina 1.213