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P.O Box 1587
Brandon FL 33509
Phone: (813)689-6706 or (800)237-7794
Fax: (813)684-5856
E-mail: [email protected]
Supplier #814
Box Size 26x22x13; Weight 30lbs
Box Charges $8.50/box
Pack 4 trays/box
PHYTO $50 to $180
Minimums 1 box
FOB Fresno, CA
Total no of Plant(s) : 200
Image Botanical Name Common Name Class/Size Price
Abutilon pictum Thompsonii 72 72 CP Thompsonii pictum Abutilon 0.769
Abutilon Tiger Eye 72 72 CP Tiger Eye Abutilon 0.769
Achillea Little Moonshine 72 72 CP Little Moonshine Achillea 0.996
Achillea m. Island Pink 72 72 CP millefolium Achillea 0.769
Achillea m. Paprika 72 72 CP millefolium Achillea 0.769
Achillea m. Red Velvet 128 128 CP millefolium Achillea 0.769
Achillea m. Red Velvet 72 72 CP millefolium Achillea 0.769
Achillea m. Rosa Maria 72 72 CP millefolium Achillea 0.769
Achillea m. Sonoma Coast 72 72 CP millefolium Achillea 0.834
Achillea Moonshine 72 72 CP Achillea Moonshine 0.834
Achillea Terra Cotta 72 72 CP Terra Cotta Achillea 0.769
Acorus gramineus Ogon 72 72 CP Ogan gramineus Acorus 0.863
Antennaria rosea 72 72 CP rosea Antennaria 0.713
Artemisia Canyon Grey 72 72 CP Canyon Grey Artemisia 0.806
Artemisia d. French Tarragon 72 CP Artemisia d. French Tarragon 0.759
Artemisia p. Davids Choice 72 72 CP pycnocephala Artemisia 0.806
Aster e. Monte Cassino 72 72 CP ericoides Aster 0.740
Aster Frikarti Monch 72 72 CP Professor Frikarti Monch 0.740
Asteriscus Gold Coin 72 72 CP Asteriscus Gold Coin 0.740
Baccharis p. Pigeon Point 72 72 CP pilularis Baccharis 0.853
Baccharis Twin Peaks 72 72 CP Baccharis Twin Peaks 0.759
Bulbine frutescens Hallmark 72 72 CP Hallmark frutescens Bulbine 0.815
Calamintha nepetoides 72 72 CP nepetoides Calamintha 0.713
Calylophus drummondianus 72 72 CP Calylophus drummondianus 0.806
Campanula Blue Waterfall 72 72 CP Campanula Blue Waterfall 0.853
Campanula Muralis 72 72 CP Campanula Muralis 0.863
Ceanothus Anchor Bay 72 72 CP Ceanothus Anchor Bay 0.956
Ceanothus Carmel Creeper 72 72 CP Ceanothus Carmel Creeper 0.956
Ceanothus Concha 72 72 CP Ceanothus Concha 0.956
Ceanothus Dark Star 72 72 CP Ceanothus Dark Star 0.956