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P.O Box 1587
Brandon FL 33509
Phone: (813)689-6706 or (800)237-7794
Fax: (813)684-5856
E-mail: [email protected]
Supplier #751
Box Size
Box Charges N/A; delivered pricing in US
Pack 2K; Ipomoea 1K
PHYTO $50; $50-$75UMF; AK/HA $15/Bx
Minimums 100/var; 2K/ Ipo.1K
FOB Delivered
Total no of Plant(s) : 590
Image Botanical Name Common Name Class/Size Price
Acalypha pendula Chenille UR 100 Chenille pendula Acalypha 0.126
Ageratum Bumble Blue UR 100 Bumble Blue Ageratum 0.249
Ageratum Bumble Rose UR 100 Bumble Rose Ageratum 0.249
Ageratum Bumble Silver UR 100 Bumble Silver Ageratum 0.249
Alternanthera Choco Chili UR 100 Choco Chili Alternanthera 0.229
Angelonia Serafina Bicolor UR 100 Serafina Angelonia 0.231
Angelonia Serafina Blue UR 100 Serafina Angelonia 0.231
Angelonia Serafina Pink UR 100 Serafina Angelonia 0.231
Angelonia Serafina Rspbrry UR 100 Serafina Angelonia 0.231
Angelonia Serafina Violet UR 100 Serafina Angelonia 0.231
Angelonia Serafina White UR 100 Serafina Angelonia 0.231
Argyr Honeybee Whte Bttrfly UR 100 White Butterfly Argyranthemum 0.286
Argyr. Aramis Apricot URC 100 Argyranthemum Aramis 0.286
Argyr. Aramis Dark Rose URC 100 Argyranthemum Aramis 0.286
Argyr. Aramis Lemon URC 100 Argyranthemum Aramis 0.286
Argyr. Aramis Milk URC 100 Argyranthemum Aramis 0.286
Argyr. Aramis Red URC 100 Argyranthemum Aramis 0.286
Argyr. Beauty Yellow UR 100 Argyranthemum Beauty 0.285
Argyr. Butterfly Yellow UR 100 Butterfly Yellow Argyranthemum 0.225
Argyr. Grandaisy Dark Pink UR 100 Grandaisy Argyranthemum 0.406
Argyr. Grandaisy Pink Halo UR 100 Grandaisy Argyranthemum 0.406
Argyr. Grandaisy Red UR 100 Grandaisy Argyranthemum 0.406
Argyr. Grandaisy White Imp UR 100 Grandaisy Argyranthemum 0.406
Argyr. Grandaisy Yellow UR 100 Grandaisy Argyranthemum 0.406
Artemisia FF Sea Salt UR 100 FanciFillers Artemisia 0.256
Artemisia Silver Brocade UR 100 Silver Brocade Artemisia 0.183
Bacopa Epic Blue UR 100 Epic Blue Bacopa 0.163
Bacopa Epic Pink Imp UR 100 Epic Pink Bacopa 0.163
Bacopa Epic Pink w/Eye UR 100 Epic Bacopa 0.163
Bacopa Epic White Imp UR 100 Epic White Bacopa 0.163