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P.O Box 1587
Brandon FL 33509
Phone: (813)689-6706 or (800)237-7794
Fax: (813)684-5856
E-mail: [email protected]
Supplier #555
Box Size
Box Charges
Total no of Plant(s) : 94
Image Botanical Name Common Name Class/Size Price
Acer rubrum 40 40 CP Red Maple Acer rubrum 0.938
Arachis g. Perenial Peanut 60 60 CP glabrata Arachis 1.063
Bejaria racemosa 40 40 CP Tarflower Bejaria racemosa 0.938
Bulbine f. Hallmark 40 40 CP frutescens Bulbine 0.625
Butia capitata Pindo Palm 40 40 CP Pindo Palm capitata Butia 1.188
Callicarpa a. Beauty Berry 60 60 CP americana Callicarpa 0.863
Castanea d American Chstnut40 40 CP americana Callicarpa 5.000
Cephalanthus o. Button Bush 60 60 CP occidentalis Cephalanthus 0.863
Chamaerops h Mediterranean 40 40 CP Fan Palm humilis Chamaerops 1.188
Cleyera japonica 40 40 CP japonica Cleyera 0.938
Diospyros v. Persimmon 40 40 CP virginiana Diospyros 0.938
Elaeocarpus decipiens 40 40 CP Japanese Blueberry Elaeocarpus 0.988
Eriobotrya japonica 40 40 CP Loquat Fruit Tree 0.938
Forestiera s Florida Privet 40 40 CP segregata Forestiera 0.863
Fraxinus c. Pop Ash 40 40 CP caroliana Fraxinus 0.813
Gordornia l. Loblolly Bay 40 40 CP lasianthus Gordornia 0.938
Hamelia p. Firefly Sm Lf 40 40 CP patens Hamelia 1.000
Hamelia patens 40 40 CP patens Hamelia 0.938
Helianthus d Dune Sunflower 40 40 CP debilis Helianthus 0.938
Hydrangea q. Oakleaf 40 40 CP quercifolia Hydrangea 1.063
Ilex c. Dahoon Holly 40 40 CP cassine Ilex 0.938
Ilex c. Dwarf Burford 40 40 CP cornuta Ilex 0.850
Ilex glabra Gallberry 60 60 CP Gallberry glabra Ilex 0.938
Ilex v. Schelling Dwarf 40 40 CP vomitoria Ilex 0.863
Ilex x. atten. Eagleston 50 50 CP x attenuata Ilex 0.900
Ilex x. atten. Savannah 40 40 CP x attenuata Ilex 0.938
Illicium p. Forest Green 40 40 CP parviflorum Illicium 0.938
Juniperus s. So Red Cedar 40 40 CP silicicola Juniperus 0.938
Kaempferia pulchra 4 IN 4 INCH Peacock Ginger 3.750
Lagerstromia x Natchez 60 60 CP White Crepe Myrtle 0.988