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Please note that orders being shipped out of the United States will typically carry a 10% increase in price due to document fees.
P.O Box 1587
Brandon FL 33509
Phone: (813)689-6706 or (800)237-7794
Fax: (813)684-5856
E-mail: [email protected]
Supplier #440
Box Size
Box Charges $3 boxing fee per tray
Pack 1-3 trays
PHYTO $50.00
Minimums 1 tray-freight/tray
FOB Pensacola, FL
Total no of Plant(s) : 672
Image Botanical Name Common Name Class/Size Price
Achillea DE Deep Rose 72 72 CP Desert Eve Achillea 1.100
Achillea DE Red Improved72 72 CP Desert Eve Achillea 1.100
Achillea DE Terracotta 72 72 CP Desert Eve Achillea 1.100
Achillea DE Yellow 72 72 CP Desert Eve Achillea 1.100
Achillea Little Moonshine 72 72 CP Little Moonshine Achillea 1.183
Achillea Moonshine 72 72 CP Yarrow 0.940
Achillea New Vintage White 72 72 CP New Vintage Achillea 1.200
Achillea SS Lemon 72 72 CP Sassy Summer Achillea 1.168
Achillea SS Sangria 72 72 CP Sassy Summer Achillea 1.168
Achillea SS Sunset 72 72 CP Sassy Summer Achillea 1.168
Achillea SS Taffy 72 72 CP Sassy Summer Achillea 1.168
Acorus g. Oborozuki 38 38 CP gramineus Acorus 1.590
Acorus g. Oborozuki 72 72 CP gramineus Acorus 1.170
Acorus g. Ogon 38 38 CP gramineus Acorus 1.590
Acorus g. Ogon 72 72 CP gramineus Acorus 1.340
Acorus g. Variegatus 38 38 CP gramineus Acorus 1.590
Acorus g. Variegatus 72 72 CP gramineus Acorus 1.170
Acorus Pusillus Minimus Aureus 72 CP gramineus Acorus 1.170
Agastache Black Adder 72 72 CP Mexican Hyssop 0.810
Agastache Blue Fortune 72 72 CP Blue Fortune 0.810
Agastache Mango Tango 72 72 CP Mango Tango 0.998
Agastache r Little Adder 72 72 CP Little Adder Agastache 0.985
Agastache Rosie Posie 72 72 CP Rosie Posie 0.998
Ajuga Bronze Beauty 72 72 CP Bronze Beauty Ajuga 0.790
Ajuga Burgundy Glow 72 72 CP Burgundy Glow Ajuga 0.790
Ajuga Catlins Giant 72 72 CP Catlins Giant Ajuga 0.790
Ajuga Chocolate Chip 72 72 CP Chocolate Chip Ajuga 0.790
Ajuga Mahogany 72 72 CP Mahogany Ajuga 0.790
Ajuga r. Black Scallop 72 72 CP Black Scallop Ajuga 0.940
Alchemilla Auslese 72 72 CP Lady's Mantle 0.760