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P.O Box 1587
Brandon FL 33509
Phone: (813)689-6706 or (800)237-7794
Fax: (813)684-5856
E-mail: [email protected]
Supplier #1104
Box Size
Box Charges
FOB Umatilla, FL
Total no of Plant(s) : 52
Image Botanical Name Common Name Class/Size Price
Abelia Grandiflora 40 40 CP Grandiflora Abelia 0.490
African Iris 60 60 CP African Iris 0.500
Agapanthus 60 60 CP Agapanthus 0.500
Anise Florida 40 40 CP Florida Anise 0.620
Betula nigra 60 60 CP River Birch 0.620
Buxus Sempervirens 40 40 CP Boxwood 0.580
Chamaerops humilis 40 40 CP European Fan 0.950
Crape Myrtle Muskogee 60 60 CP Muskogee Crape Myrtle 0.500
Crape Myrtle Natchez 60 60 CP Natchez Crape Myrtle 0.500
Crape Myrtle Red Rocket 60 60 CP Red Rocket Crape Myrtle 0.500
Crape Myrtle Tuscarora 60 60 CP Tuscarora Crape Myrtle 0.500
Duranta Gold Mound 40 40 CP Gold Mound Duranta 0.500
Duranta Golden Dew Drop 40 40 CP Golden Dew Drop Duranta 0.500
Elaeagnus pungens 40 40 CP pungens Elaeagnus 0.620
Elaeocarpus Decipiens 40 40 CP Decipiens Elaeocarpus 0.500
Feijoa Sellowiana 40 40 CP Sellowiana Feijoa 0.620
Ilex c. Dwarf Burford 40 40 CP cornuta Ilex 0.500
Ilex c. Sky Pencil 40 40 CP crenata Ilex 0.580
Ilex cornuta Needlepoint 40 40 CP Needlepoint cornuta Ilex 0.500
Ilex v. Schillings Dwarf 40 40 CP vomitoria Ilex 0.650
Ilex x atten. East Palatka 38 38 CP Ilex x attenuata East Palatka 0.650
Ilex x. Nellie R. Stevens 38 38 CP Nellie R. Stevens x. Ilex 0.690
Jasmine Asiatic 40 40 CP Asiatic Jasmine 0.500
Jasmine Minima 40 40 CP Minima Jasmine 0.500
Juniper Blue Pac 40 40 CP Blue Pac Juniper 0.580
Juniper Parsonii 40 40 CP Parsonii Juniper 0.580
Ligustrum Green 40 40 CP Green Ligustrum 0.500
Ligustrum Howardii 40 40 CP Howardii Ligustrum 0.500
Ligustrum Jack Frost 40 40 CP Jack Frost Ligustrum 0.500
Ligustrum Recurve 40 40 CP Recurve Ligustrum 0.500