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Please note that orders being shipped out of the United States will typically carry a 10% increase in price due to document fees.
P.O Box 1587
Brandon FL 33509
Phone: (813)689-6706 or (800)237-7794
Fax: (813)684-5856
E-mail: [email protected]
Supplier #1035
Box Size
Box Charges $2.00 per box
Pack www.horticulturalalliance.com
FOB Sarasota, FL
Total no of Plant(s) : 17
Image Botanical Name Common Name Class/Size Price
Biorush 3-1-2 4 case of 32 bgs EACH 32 1 oz bags per case/4 cases 256.079
Biorush 3-1-2 Box of 12 EACH 12 12oz shakers per box 156.228
DH Palm Trnsplnt 25lb bg/100 t EACH 25lb bag; 100 lbs total 686.400
DH Palm Trnsplnt 8oz 20 in bx EACH 20 bags in a box; 8 oz bags 110.502
DH Palm Trnsplnt 8oz/20bg/4cs EACH 20 bags in a box; 4 cases 292.918
DH Palm Trnsplnt 8oz/60 pail EACH 60 - 8oz bags in a pail 208.726
DH Starter Mix 8oz 55pail EACH Pail of 55 8oz bags 272.205
DH Transplant 25lbs bg/250 tot EACH 25lb bags/ 250 lbs total 2266.930
DH Transplant 48 Box Pallet EACH 48 bx/pallet 50-8oz bg/bx 11608.600
DH Transplant 8oz 55pail EACH Pail of 55 8oz bags 294.405
DH Transplant Box of 50 EACH 50-8oz bg/box 240.776
DH Transplant Pallet 27 Pails EACH 27 pails/pallet 55-8oz bg/pail 7347.790
Ecovam Drench 4lb box EACH 4lb box 198.450
Ecovam Inoculator 10lb box EACH 10 lb box 80.368
Ecovam Inoculator 25 lb bag EACH 25 lb bag 150.748
Ecovam Inoculator 4 cs/10lb bx EACH 4 case of 10 lb box 321.488
Ecovam Inoculator Pallet 48 bg EACH Pallet of 48 25lb bags 7269.870