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P.O Box 1587
Brandon FL 33509
Phone: (813)689-6706 or (800)237-7794
Fax: (813)684-5856
E-mail: [email protected]
Supplier #1020
Box Size
Box Charges Freight/boxing/doc included
Pack 50/var
Minimums 100/var; 2,000/order
FOB Delivered
Total no of Plant(s) : 267
Image Botanical Name Common Name Class/Size Price
Acalypha Pendula Red 100 Pendula Red Acalypha 0.151
Achillea Apple Blossom URC 100 Apple Blossom Achillea 0.244
Achillea Moonshine URC 100 Moonshine Achillea 0.244
Achillea Paprika URC 100 Paprika Achillea 0.244
Achillea Terracotta URC 100 Terracotta Achillea 0.238
Adromischus Phillpsia URC 100 Phillpsia Acromischus 0.294
Agastache Black Adder URC 100 Black Adder Agastache 0.183
Agastache Blue Fortune URC 100 Blue Fortune Agastache 0.183
Agastache Raspberry Summer URC 100 Raspberry Summer Agastache 0.330
Agastache Summer Glow URC 100 Summer Glow Agastache 0.330
Agastache Tutti Fruiti URC 100 Tutti Fruiti Agastache 0.183
Ajuga Black Scallop URC 100 Black Scallop Ajuga 0.346
Ajuga Bronze URC 100 Bronze Ajuga 0.208
Ajuga Burgundy Glow URC 100 Burgundy Glow Ajuga 0.208
Ajuga Chocolate Chip URC 100 Chocolate Chip Ajuga 0.208
Aloe juvenna URC 100 juvenna Aloe 0.364
Alternanthera Brazilian RedHot 100 Brazilian Red Hot Alternathera 0.226
Alternanthera Brgndy Threadlf 100 Burgundy Threadleaf 0.179
Alternanthera Golden Threads 100 Golden Threads Althernathera 0.178
Alternanthera Grenadine URC 100 Grenadine Althernathera 0.260
Alternanthera Little Ruby URC 100 Little Ruby Althernathera 0.205
Alternanthera Party Time URC 100 Party Time Althernathera 0.260
Alternanthera Raspberry Rum UR 100 Raspberry Rum Althernathera 0.260
Alternanthera Red Threads URC 100 Red Threads Althernathera 0.178
Alternanthera True Yellow URC 100 True Yellow Althernathera 0.178
Aptenia cordifolia Maya URC 100 Maya cordifolia Aptenia 0.183
Artemisia Powis Castle URC 100 Powis Castle Artemisia 0.173
Artemisia Silver Mound URC 100 Silver Mound Artemisia 0.173
Buddleia Nanho Blue URC 100 Nanho Buddleia 0.190
Buddleia Nanho Purple URC 100 Nanho Buddleia 0.190