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P.O Box 1587
Brandon FL 33509
Phone: (813)689-6706 or (800)237-7794
Fax: (813)684-5856
E-mail: [email protected]
Supplier #996
Box Size 22x13.5x15
Box Charges $9.90 Box Charge
Pack 2-4 trays/case
PHYTO $80; $77 cartage
Minimums 2 box; $25 UMC
FOB Denver, CO
Total no of Plant(s) : 514
Image Botanical Name Common Name Class/Size Price
Haworthia limifolia Zebra 50 50 CP Haworthia 1.215
Haworthia pentagona 50 50 CP Haworthia 1.215
Haworthia Retusa Pygmaea 50 50 CP Retusa Hawothia 1.901
Haworthia Tessellata 50 50 CP Tessellata Hawothia 1.901
Haworthia Ven. Kilmanjaro 50 50 CP venosa Kilmanjaro Haworthia 1.430
Hib Hollywood Trophy Wife 4.25 10/tr Hollywood Hibiscus 3.900
Hib Hollywood Trophy Wife 50 50 CP Hollywood Hibiscus 1.543
Hib. Hollywood Amrca Swthrt 50 50 CP Hollywood Hibiscus 1.543
Hib. Hollywood Disco Diva 4.25 10/tr Hollywood Hibiscus 3.900
Hib. Hollywood Disco Diva 50 50 CP Hollywood Hibiscus 1.543
Hib. Hollywood Drama Queen 425 10/tr Hollywood Hibiscus 3.900
Hib. Hollywood Drama Queen 50 50 CP Hollywood Hibiscus 1.543
Hib. Hollywood Earth Angel 4.5 10/tr Hollywood Hibiscus 3.900
Hib. Hollywood Earth Angel 50 50 CP Hollywood Hibiscus 1.543
Hib. Hollywood First Lady 4.25 10/tr Hollywood Hibiscus 3.900
Hib. Hollywood First Lady 50 50 CP Hollywood Hibiscus 1.543
Hib. Hollywood First to Arrive 10/tr Hollywood Hibiscus 3.900
Hib. Hollywood First to Arrive 50 CP Hollywood Hibiscus 1.543
Hib. Hollywood Glamour Gal 4.5 10/tr Hollywood Hibiscus 3.900
Hib. Hollywood Glamour Gal 50 50 CP Hollywood Hibiscus 1.543
Hib. Hollywood Gold Digger 425 10/tr Hollywood Hibiscus 3.900
Hib. Hollywood Gold Digger 50 50 CP Hollywood Hibiscus 1.543
Hib. Hollywood Gossip Queen 50 50 CP Gossip Queen Hibiscus 1.543
Hib. Hollywood Gossip Queen4.5 10/tr Gossip Queen Hibiscus 3.900
Hib. Hollywood Heartbreaker 50 50 CP Hollywood Hibiscus 1.543
Hib. Hollywood Heartbreaker425 10/tr Hollywood Hibiscus 3.900
Hib. Hollywood Hustler 4.25 10/tr Hollywood Hibiscus 3.900
Hib. Hollywood Hustler 50 50 CP Hollywood Hibiscus 1.543
Hib. Hollywood Leading Lady 10/tr Hollywood Hibiscus 3.900
Hib. Hollywood Leading Lady 50 50 CP Hollywood Hibiscus 1.543