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P.O Box 1587
Brandon FL 33509
Phone: (813)689-6706 or (800)237-7794
Fax: (813)684-5856
E-mail: [email protected]
Supplier #751
Box Size
Box Charges N/A; delivered pricing in US
Pack 2K; Ipomoea 1K
PHYTO $50; $50-$75UMF; AK/HA $15/Bx
Minimums 100/var; 2K/ Ipo.1K
FOB Delivered
Total no of Plant(s) : 590
Image Botanical Name Common Name Class/Size Price
Herb Lemon Balm UR 100 Lemon Balm Herb 0.153
Herb Marjoram Golden Tip UR 100 Marjoram Golden Tip Herb 0.141
Herb Marjoram Sweet UR 100 Marjoram Sweet Herb 0.141
Herb Mentha Apple UR 100 Mentha Apple Herb 0.125
Herb Mentha Chocolate UR 100 Mentha Chocolate Herb 0.125
Herb Mentha Corsican UR 100 Mentha Corsican Herb 0.125
Herb Mentha Ginger UR 100 Mentha Ginger Herb 0.125
Herb Mentha Kentucky ColonelUR 100 Mentha Kentucky Colonel Herb 0.125
Herb Mentha Mojito UR 100 Mentha Mojito Herb 0.125
Herb Mentha Orange UR 100 Mentha Orange Herb 0.125
Herb Mentha Peppermint UR 100 Mentha Peppermint Herb 0.125
Herb Mentha Spearmint UR 100 Mentha Spearmint Herb 0.125
Herb Mentha Strawberry UR 100 Mentha Strawberry Herb 0.125
Herb Mentha suaveolens UR 100 Mentha suaveolens Pineapple 0.125
Herb Oreg. Dittany of Crete UR 100 Oregano Dittany of Crete 0.133
Herb Oregano Golden UR 100 Golden Oregano Herb 0.133
Herb Oregano Greek UR 100 Greek Oregano Herb 0.133
Herb Oregano Hot and Spicy UR 100 Hot and Spicy Oregano Herb 0.133
Herb Oregano Italian UR 100 Italian Oregano Herb 0.133
Herb Rosemary Hardy Hill UR 100 Rosemary Herb 0.158
Herb Rosemary o. Taurentius UR 100 Rosemary Herb 0.158
Herb Rosemary off. Arp UR 100 Rosemary Herb 0.158
Herb Rosemary prostrata UR 100 Rosemary Herb 0.158
Herb Rosemary Tuscan Blue UR 100 Rosemary Herb 0.158
Herb Salvia Berggarten UR 100 Rosemary Herb 0.154
Herb Salvia o. Garden Grey UR 100 Salvia officinalis Herb 0.154
Herb Salvia o. Icterina UR 100 Salvia officinalis Herb 0.154
Herb Salvia o. Purple UR 100 Salvia officinalis Herb 0.154
Herb Salvia o. Tricolor UR 100 Salvia officinalis Herb 0.154
Herb Salvia rutilans UR 100 Salvia rutilans Herb 0.154