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P.O Box 1587
Brandon FL 33509
Phone: (813)689-6706 or (800)237-7794
Fax: (813)684-5856
E-mail: [email protected]
Supplier #440
Box Size
Box Charges $3 boxing fee per tray
Pack 1-3 trays
PHYTO $50.00
Minimums 1 tray-freight/tray
FOB Pensacola, FL
Total no of Plant(s) : 672
Image Botanical Name Common Name Class/Size Price
Festuca x Cool as Ice 50 50 CP Cool as Ice Festuca 1.420
Fragaria Lipstick 50 50 CP Ornamental Strawberry 1.050
Gail xg. Mesa BrightBicolor 72 72 CP Mesa Gaillardia 0.760
Gail. Spintop Copper Sun 72 72 CP Spintop Gaillardia 1.460
Gaillardi Spintop Yllw Touch72 72 CP Spintop Gaillardia 1.460
Gaillardia Spintop Orng Halo72 72 CP Spintop Gaillardia 1.460
Gaillardia Spintop Red 72 72 CP Spintop Gaillardia 1.460
Gaillardia xg. Arizona Apricot 72 CP Arizona Apricot Gaillardia 0.760
Gaillardia xg. Arizona Red Shd 72 CP Arizona Red Shades Gaillardia 0.760
Gaillardia xg. Arizona Sun 72 72 CP Arizona Sun 0.760
Gaillardia xg. Goblin 72 72 CP Blanket Flower 0.760
Gaillardia xg. Mesa Peach 72 72 CP Mesa Peach Gaillardia 0.760
Gaillardia xg. Mesa Red 72 72 CP Mesa Red Gaillardia 0.760
Gaillardia xg. Mesa Yellow 72 72 CP Mesa Yellow Gaillardia 0.760
Galium odoratum 72 72 CP odoratum Galium 0.950
Gaura Crimson Butterflies 72 CP Wand Flower 0.820
Gaura Graceful Magic 72 72 CP Gaceful Magic Gaura 0.933
Gaura l Belleza Dark Pink 72 72 CP Belleza Dark Pink Gaura 0.870
Gaura Rosy Jane 72 72 CP Rosy Jane Gaura 1.008
Gaura Siskyou Pink 72 72 CP Wand Flower 0.820
Gaura Sparkle White 72 72 CP Wand Flower 0.820
Gaura Whirling Butterflies 72 CP Wand Flower 0.820
Geranium Rozanne 50 50 CP Geranium Rozanne 2.435
Hakonechloa All Gold 50 50 CP All Gold Hakonechloa 2.510
Hakonechloa m. Albovariegata 50 CP macra Hakonechloa 2.510
Hakonechloa macra 50 50 CP Macra Hakonechloa 2.510
Hakonechloa macra Aureola 50 50 CP Aureola Hakonechloa 2.510
Helectotrichon sempervirens 50 50 CP Sempervirens Helectotrichon 1.850
Helictrotrichon s Sapphire 50 CP Sapphire Blue Oat Grass 1.850
Helle. Walbert. Ivory Prnce 50 50 CP Walbertons Helleborus 4.078