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Please note that orders being shipped out of the United States will typically carry a 10% increase in price due to document fees.
P.O Box 1587
Brandon FL 33509
Phone: (813)689-6706 or (800)237-7794
Fax: (813)684-5856
E-mail: [email protected]
Supplier #147
Box Size Multiple
Box Charges $4.25-9/box--varies by size
Pack Varies; Intl. min 14 trays
PHYTO $65phyto/$25 intl./$30 chem
Minimums 2 trays; $25 UM fee
FOB Apopka, FL
Total no of Plant(s) : 361
Image Botanical Name Common Name Class/Size Price
Rubus Navaho 72 72 CP Navaho Blackberry 1.400
Rubus Osage ppaf 72 72 CP Osage ppaf Rubus 1.400
Rubus Ouachita 72 72 CP Rubus Ouachita 1.400
Rubus Ponca 72 72 CP Ponca Rubus 1.550
Rubus Prime-Ark 45 72 72 CP Rubus Prime-Ark 45 1.550
Rubus Prime-Ark Freedom 72 72 CP Freedom Prime-Ark Rubus 1.550
Rubus Prime-Ark Horizon 72 72 CP Horizon Prime-Ark Rubus 1.550
Rubus Prime-Ark Traveler 72 72 CP Traveler Prime-Ark Rubus 1.550
Rubus Snowbank 72 72 CP White Blackberry 1.550
Rubus Sweetie Pie 72 72 CP Sweetie Pie Blackberry 1.400
Rubus Triple Crown 72 72 CP Triple Crown Rubus 1.400
Rubus Twilight 72 72 CP Rubus Twilight 1.550
Rubus Von 72 72 CP Von Blackberry 1.400
Sauropus androgynus Katuk 72 72 CP Katuk 1.550
Selenicereus m Yellow Dragon 72 CP Selenicereus megalanthus 1.750
Silphium comp. Native Star 72 72 CP compositum Silphium 0.950
Smallanthus s. Yacon 72 72 CP sonchifolius Smallanthus 1.500
Spathiphyllum Allison 72 72 CP Spathiphyllum Allison 0.900
Spathiphyllum Asst Jumbos 72 72 CP Spathiphyllum Asst Jumbos 0.850
Spathiphyllum Hybrid #1 72 72 CP Spathiphyllum Hybrid #1 0.850
Spathiphyllum Kaley 72 72 CP Kaley Spathiphyllum treated 0.850
Spathiphyllum Maya Dee 144 144 CP Maya Dee Spathiphyllum 0.613
Spathiphyllum Mojo 144 144 CP Mojo Spathiphyllum treat 0.613
Spathiphyllum Mojo 72 72 CP Mojo Spathiphyllum treated 0.850
Spathiphyllum Petite 72 72 CP Spathiphyllum multiple 0.850
Spathiphyllum Silver Streak 72 72 CP Silver Streak Spathiphyllum 0.950
Spathiphyllum Starlight 72 72 CP Starlight Spathiphyllum 0.850
Spathiphyllum Ty's Pride 144 144 CP Ty's Pride Spathiphyllum treat 0.613
Spathiphyllum Viscount 72 72 CP Viscount Spathiphyllum 0.850
Spathoglottis plicata 72 72 CP plicata Spathoglottis 1.250