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Please note that orders being shipped out of the United States will typically carry a 10% increase in price due to document fees.
P.O Box 1587
Brandon FL 33509
Phone: (813)689-6706 or (800)237-7794
Fax: (813)684-5856
E-mail: [email protected]
Supplier #949
Box Size
Box Charges $3 pcking chrg per 100 Clm.
Pack 2.5-25/tr 2tr/cs 3.5-16/tr 2tr
Minimums 2.5-5/var 3.5-4/var
FOB Faribault, MN
Total no of Plant(s) : 372
Image Botanical Name Common Name Class/Size Price
Clematis Ramona 1G 5/VAR Ramona Clematis 10.384
Clematis Ramona 2.5 25/tr Ramona Clematis 3.479
Clematis Ramona 3.5 16/tr Ramona Clematis 4.479
Clematis Rebecca 1 GAL 5/var Rebecca Clematis 11.095
Clematis Rebecca 2.5 25/tr Rebecca Clematis 4.199
Clematis Rebecca 3.5 16/tr Rebecca Clematis 5.319
Clematis Rhapsody 1 GAL 5/var Rhapsody Clematis 10.384
Clematis Rhapsody 2.5 25/tr Rhapsody Clematis 3.479
Clematis Rhapsody 3.5 16/tr Rhapsody Clematis 4.479
Clematis Roguchi 1 GAL 5/var Roguchi Clematis 10.384
Clematis Roguchi 2.5 25/tr Roguchi Clematis 3.479
Clematis Roguchi 3.5 16/tr Roguchi Clematis 4.479
Clematis Rosalie 1 GAL 5/var Rosalie Clematis 11.095
Clematis Rosalie 2.5 25/tr Rosalie Clematis 4.199
Clematis Rosalie 3.5 16/tr Rosalie Clematis 5.319
Clematis Rosemoor 1 GAL 5/var Rosemoor Clematis 11.095
Clematis Rosemoor 2.5 25/tr Rosemoor Clematis 4.199
Clematis Rosemoor 3.5 16/tr Rosemoor Clematis 5.319
Clematis Rouge Cardinal 1 GAL 5/var Rouge Cardinal Clematis 10.384
Clematis Rouge Cardinal 2.5 25/tr Rouge Cardinal Clematis 3.479
Clematis Rouge Cardinal 3.5 16/tr Rouge Cardinal Clematis 4.479
Clematis Sally 1 GAL 5/var Sally Clematis 11.095
Clematis Sally 2.5 25/tr Sally Clematis 4.199
Clematis Sally 3.5 16/tr Sally Clematis 5.319
Clematis Samaritan Jo 1 GAL 5/var Samaritan Jo Clematis 11.095
Clematis Samaritan Jo 2.5 25/tr Clematis 4.199
Clematis Samaritan Jo 3.5 16/tr Samaritan Jo Clematis 5.319
Clematis Saphire Indigo 2.5 25/tr Clematis 4.199
Clematis Sapphire Indigo 1 GAL 5/var Sapphire Indigo Clematis 11.095
Clematis Sapphire Indigo 3.5 16/tr Sapphire Indigo Clematis 5.319