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Please note that orders being shipped out of the United States will typically carry a 10% increase in price due to document fees.
P.O Box 1587
Brandon FL 33509
Phone: (813)689-6706 or (800)237-7794
Fax: (813)684-5856
E-mail: [email protected]
Supplier #1040
Box Size
Box Charges $7; $30-$55 under minimum fee
Pack (100CP) 600/bx;Da/Gr/Bg 400/bx
Minimums URC 3K; RC 600
FOB Point of Origin
Total no of Plant(s) : 3163
Image Botanical Name Common Name Class/Size Price
NGI Petticoat Prpl Star 20 UR 100var Petticoat NGI 0.280
NGI Petticoat Prpl Star 21 102 100 CP Petticoat New Guinea Impatiens 0.691
NGI Petticoat Purple UR 100var Petticoat NGI 0.274
NGI Petticoat Red Flame UR 100var Petticoat NGI 0.274
NGI Petticoat Red Star 21 102 100 CP Petticoat New Guinea Impatiens 0.691
NGI Petticoat Red Star 21 UR 100var Petticoat NGI 0.280
NGI Petticoat Salmon Night 102 100 CP Petticoat New Guinea Impatiens 0.685
NGI Petticoat Salmon Night UR 100var Petticoat NGI 0.274
NGI Petticoat True Red UR 100var Petticoat NGI 0.274
NGI Petticoat White 102 100 CP Petticoat New Guinea Impatiens 0.685
NGI Petticoat White 2022 UR 100var Petticoat NGI 0.274
NGI Petticoat White UR 100var Petticoat NGI 0.274
NGI RC Valravn Violet 21 102 100 CP New Guinea Impatiens 0.755
NGI RC Cotton Candy 102 100 CP Rllrcoaster NewGuineaImpatiens 0.749
NGI RC Cotton Candy UR 100var Rllrcoaster NewGuineaImpatiens 0.346
NGI RC Hot Pink 102 100 CP New Guinea Impatiens 0.749
NGI RC Hot Pink UR 100var New Guinea Impatiens 0.346
NGI RC Red Racer 102 100 CP Rllrcoaster NewGuineaImpatiens 0.749
NGI RC Red Racer UR 100var Rllrcoaster NewGuineaImpatiens 0.346
NGI RC Tangy Tiffy 102 100 CP Rllrcoaster NewGuineaImpatiens 0.749
NGI RC Tangy Tiffy UR 100var Rllrcoaster NewGuineaImpatiens 0.346
NGI RC Valravn Violet 21 UR 100var New Guinea Impatiens 0.353
NGI RC White Lighting 102 100 CP Rllrcoaster NewGuineaImpatiens 0.749
NGI RC White Lighting UR 100var Rllrcoaster NewGuineaImpatiens 0.346
NGI SS Rose Aurora CC 100var SunStanding NGI 0.415
NGI SS Apollo Cherry Red 102 100 CP SunStanding NGI 0.749
NGI SS Apollo Cherry Red CC 100var SunStanding NGI 0.415
NGI SS Apollo Cherry Red URC 100var SunStanding NGI 0.346
NGI SS Apollo Lilac 102 100 CP SunStanding NGI 0.749
NGI SS Apollo Lilac CC 100var SunStanding NGI 0.415