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P.O Box 1587
Brandon FL 33509
Phone: (813)689-6706 or (800)237-7794
Fax: (813)684-5856
E-mail: [email protected]
Supplier #998
Box Size
Box Charges
FOB Mossyrock, WA
Total no of Plant(s) : 229
Image Botanical Name Common Name Class/Size Price
Solidago Little Lemon 2.5 32/cs Solidago Little Lemon 0.875
Stachys Helen Von Stein 2.5 32/cs Stachys Helen Von Stein 0.713
Stachys Hummelo 2.5 32/cs Stachys Hummelo 0.700
Tags TAGS Tags 0.100
Trollius Golden Queen 2.5 32/cs Trollius Golden Queen 0.713
Verbascum Jackie 2.5 32/cs Verbascum Jackie 1.163
Verbena Homestead Purple 32/cs Verbena Homestead Purple 0.688
Veronica Eveline 2.5 32/cs Veronica Eveline 0.950
Veronica Eveline Pink 2.5 32/cs Veronica Eveline Pink 0.975
Veronica Giles Van Hees 2.5 32/cs Veronica Giles Van Hees 0.688
Veronica Goldwell 2.5 32/cs Veronica Goldwell 1.000
Veronica Red Fox 2.5 32/cs Veronica Red Fox 0.688
Veronica Royal Candles 2.5 32/cs Veronica Royal Candles 0.875
Veronica Sunny Border Blue 2.5 32/cs Veronica Sunny Border Blue 0.688
Viola Black Magic 2.5 32/cs Viola Black Magic 0.688
Viola Columbine 2.5 32/cs Viola Columbine 0.688
Viola Etain 2.5 32/cs Viola Etain 0.688
Viola Purple Showers 2.5 32/cs Viola Purple Showers 0.688
Viola Rebecca 2.5 32/cs Viola Rebecca 0.688