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P.O Box 1587
Brandon FL 33509
Phone: (813)689-6706 or (800)237-7794
Fax: (813)684-5856
E-mail: [email protected]
Supplier #751
Box Size
Box Charges N/A; delivered pricing in US
Pack 2K; Ipomoea 1K
PHYTO $50; $50-$75UMF; AK/HA $15/Bx
Minimums 100/var; 2K/ Ipo.1K
FOB Delivered
Total no of Plant(s) : 590
Image Botanical Name Common Name Class/Size Price
Ger. Aristo Orange URC 100 Geranium Aristo 0.413
Ger. Aristo Orchid URC 100 Geranium Aristo 0.413
Ger. Aristo Pink URC 100 Geranium Aristo 0.413
Ger. Aristo Purple Stripes URC 100 Geranium Aristo 0.413
Ger. Aristo Red Beauty URC 100 Geranium Aristo 0.413
Ger. Aristo Salmon URC 100 Geranium Aristo 0.413
Ger. Aristo Strwbrry Cream URC 100 Geranium Aristo 0.413
Ger. Aristo Velvet Red URC 100 Geranium Aristo 0.413
Ger. Aristo White UR 100 Geranium Aristo 0.413
Ger. Scented Attar of Roses UR 100 Geranium Scented 0.319
Ger. Scented Citriodorum UR 100 Geranium Scented 0.329
Ger. Scented Concolor Lace UR 100 Geranium Scented 0.329
Ger. Scented Fragrans UR 100 Geranium Scented 0.323
Ger. Scented Lady Plymouth UR 100 Geranium Scented 0.329
Ger. Scented Lemona UR 100 Geranium Scented 0.368
Ger. Scented Orange Fizz UR 100 Geranium Scented 0.346
Ger. Scented Quercifolia UR 100 Geranium Scented 0.346
Ger. Scented Sweet Mimosa UR 100 Geranium Scented 0.346
Geranium CF Bicolor UR 100 Candy Flowers Geranium 0.411
Geranium CF Bright Red UR 100 Candy Flowers Geranium 0.411
Geranium CF Violet UR 100 Candy Flowers Geranium 0.411
Geranium Orange Glow UR 100 Orange Glow Geranium 0.411
Geranium Pinkerbell UR 100 Pinkerbell Geranium 0.436
German Ivy Green URC 100 German Ivy 0.183
German Ivy Wax Leaf Green URC 100 German Ivy 0.193
German Ivy Wax Leaf Var. URC 100 German Ivy 0.193
Glechoma Hederacea URC 100 Glechoma Hederacea 0.153
Hedera Ivy Algerian URC 100 Hedera Ivy 0.116
Hedera Ivy Eva URC 100 Hedera Ivy 0.116
Hedera Ivy Glacier URC 100 Hedera Ivy 0.116