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P.O Box 1587
Brandon FL 33509
Phone: (813)689-6706 or (800)237-7794
Fax: (813)684-5856
E-mail: [email protected]
Supplier #1096
Box Size 21x18.5x14.5
Box Charges Included
Pack Varies
PHYTO $50 when required
Minimums 2500/$65 UMF 100/va
FOB Delivered
Total no of Plant(s) : 770
Image Botanical Name Common Name Class/Size Price
Digiplexis Illum Bry Canary UR 100 Illumination Digiplexis 0.630
Digiplexis Illum Flame UR 100 Illumination Digiplexis 0.630
Digiplexis Illumin Apric Im UR 100 Illumination Digiplexis 0.583
Digiplexis Illumin RaspberryUR 100 Illumination Digiplexis 0.583
Digiplexis Isoplexia Bella UR 100 Isoplexia Digiplexis 0.364
Duranta Erecta Cuban Gold URC 100 Erecta Cuban Gold Duranta 0.165
Duranta Gold Edge URC 100 Gold Edge Duranta 0.160
Echeveria a. Black Knight URC 100 Black Knight affinis Echeveria 0.516
Echeveria Blue Bird URC 100 Blue Bird Echeveria 0.516
Echeveria Blue Elf URC 100 Blue Elf Echeveria 0.516
Echeveria Caribbean Blue URC 100 Caribbean Blue Echeveria 0.516
Echeveria Chili Limon URC 100 Chili Limon Echeveria 0.589
Echeveria Chroma URC 100 Chroma Echeveria 0.553
Echeveria compressicaulis URC 100 compressicaulis Echeveria 0.559
Echeveria Dicks Pink URC 100 Dicks Pink Echeveria 0.516
Echeveria difractens URC 100 Difractens Echeveria 0.516
Echeveria Frosty UR 100 Frosty Echeveria 0.516
Echeveria g Coral Reef Aqua 100 Gibbiflora Echeveria 0.794
Echeveria g Coral Reef Pink 100 Gibbiflora Echeveria 0.794
Echeveria g Coral Reef Red 100 Gibbiflora Echeveria 0.794
Echeveria Giant Blue URC 100 Giant Blue Echeveria 0.516
Echeveria Gray Red URC 100 Elegans Gray Red 0.515
Echeveria h. Dumon URC 100 Dumon hybrid Echeveria 0.511
Echeveria h. Flexy URC 100 Flexy hybrid Echeveria 0.511
Echeveria h. Pulvinata URC 100 Pulvinata hybrid Echeveria 0.505
Echeveria h. Tolimanensis URC 100 haagai Tolimanensis Echeveria 0.553
Echeveria Jade Point URC 100 Jade Point Echeveria 0.505
Echeveria Lady Grey URC 100 Gibbiflora Echeveria 0.741
Echeveria Lemon Lime URC 100 Lemon Lime Echeveria 0.591
Echeveria lilacina URC 100 Elegans Lilac Cina 0.580