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Please note that orders being shipped out of the United States will typically carry a 10% increase in price due to document fees.
P.O Box 1587
Brandon FL 33509
Phone: (813)689-6706 or (800)237-7794
Fax: (813)684-5856
E-mail: [email protected]
Supplier #440
Box Size
Box Charges $3 boxing fee per tray
Pack 1-3 trays
PHYTO $50.00
Minimums 1 tray-freight/tray
FOB Pensacola, FL
Total no of Plant(s) : 672
Image Botanical Name Common Name Class/Size Price
Delosperma Fire Spinner 72 72 CP Fire Spinner Delosperma 0.873
Delosperma JD Candystone 72 72 CP Jewel of Desert Delosperma 0.948
Delosperma JD Garnet 72 72 CP Jewel of Desert Delosperma 0.948
Delosperma JD Grenade 72 72 CP Jewel of Desert Delosperma 0.948
Delosperma JD Sunstone 72 72 CP Jewel of Desert Delosperma 0.948
Delosperma JD Topaz 72 72 CP Jewel of Desert Delosperma 0.948
Delosperma OS Ornge Glw 72 72 CP Ocean Sunset Delosperma 1.060
Delosperma OS Ornge Vibe 72 72 CP Ocean Sunset Delosperma 1.060
Delosperma OS Violet 72 72 CP Ocean Sunset Delosperma 1.060
Deschampsia c Pixie Fountain50 50 CP Deschampsia Pixie Fountain 0.830
Deschampsia cespitosa 50 50 CP cespitosa Deschampsia 0.830
Dianthus AP Bumbleberry Pie 72 72 CP American Pie Dianthus 1.178
Dianthus AP Georgia Pch Pie 72 72 CP American Pie Dianthus 1.178
Dianthus AP Key Lime Pie 72 72 CP American Pie Dianthus 1.178
Dianthus Beauties Kahori 72 72 CP Beauties Dianthus 1.153
Dianthus Beauties Kahori Pnk72 72 CP Beauties Dianthus 1.153
Dianthus EB Fizzy 72 72 CP Early Bird Dianthus 1.140
Dianthus EB Frosty 72 72 CP Early Bird Dianthus 1.140
Dianthus EB Radiance 72 72 CP Early Bird Dianthus 1.140
Dianthus EB Sherbet 72 72 CP Early Bird Dianthus 1.140
Dianthus g. Firewitch 72 72 CP gratianopolitanus Dianthus 0.900
Dianthus SF Coconut Surprise72 72 CP Scent First Dianthus 1.140
Dianthus SF Coral Reef 72 72 CP Scent First Dianthus 1.140
Dianthus SF Passion 72 72 CP Scent First Dianthus 1.140
Dianthus SF Romance 72 72 CP Scent First Dianthus 1.140
Dianthus SF Sugar Plum 72 72 CP Scent First Dianthus 1.140
Dianthus SF Tickled Pink 72 72 CP Scent First Dianthus 1.140
Dianthus Vivid Bright Light 72 72 CP Vivid Dianthus 1.115
Dianthus Vivid Cherry Charm 72 72 CP Vivid Dianthus 1.115
Dianthus x. Rockin Red 72 72 CP xbarbatus Dianthus 0.760