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P.O Box 1587
Brandon FL 33509
Phone: (813)689-6706 or (800)237-7794
Fax: (813)684-5856
E-mail: [email protected]
Supplier #751
Box Size
Box Charges N/A; delivered pricing in US
Pack 2K; Ipomoea 1K
PHYTO $50; $50-$75UMF; AK/HA $15/Bx
Minimums 100/var; 2K/ Ipo.1K
FOB Delivered
Total no of Plant(s) : 590
Image Botanical Name Common Name Class/Size Price
Coleus UTS King Crab URC 100 Coleus Under The Sea 0.284
Coleus UTS Lemon Coral URC 100 Coleus Under The Sea 0.296
Coleus UTS Lime Shrimp URC 100 Coleus Under The Sea 0.284
Coleus UTS Lion Fish URC 100 Coleus Under The Sea 0.284
Coleus UTS Pink Reef URC 100 Coleus Under The Sea 0.284
Coleus UTS Pink Tuna URC 100 Coleus Under The Sea 0.284
Coleus UTS Red Coral URC 100 Coleus Under The Sea 0.284
Coleus UTS Sea Monkey Apricot 100 Coleus Under The Sea 0.284
Coleus UTS Sea Monkey Fin Tuna 100 Coleus Under The Sea 0.284
Coleus UTS Sea Monkey Purple 100 Coleus Under The Sea 0.284
Coleus Wild Lime UR 100 Wild Lime Coleus 0.178
Coleus Wildfire Blaze URC 100 Wildfire Blaze Coleus 0.286
Coleus Wildfire Ignition URC 100 Wildfire Ignition Coleus 0.286
Coleus Wildfire Smoky Rose URC 100 Wildfire Smoky Rose Coleus 0.286
Cuphea Funny Face UR 100 Funny Face Cuphea 0.193
Cuphea h. FloriGlory CorazonUR 100 FloriGlory Hyssopifolia Cuphea 0.193
Cuphea h. FloriGlory Diana UR 100 FloriGlory Hyssopifolia Cuphea 0.193
Cuphea h. FloriGlory Maria UR 100 FloriGlory Hyssopifolia Cuphea 0.193
Cuphea h. FloriGlory Selena UR 100 FloriGlory Hyssopifolia Cuphea 0.193
Cuphea h. FloriGlory Sofia UR 100 FloriGlory Hyssopifolia Cuphea 0.193
Cuphea hyssop Purple/Allyss UR 100 Hyssop Cuphea 0.138
Cuphea Ignea David Verity UR 100 David Verity Cuphea 0.143
Diascia Sun. Upright Peach UR 100 Sundiascia Upright Diascia 0.345
Diascia Sun. Upright Rse PnkUR 100 Sundiascia Upright Diascia 0.345
Dichondra Silver Nickel VineUR 100 Dichondra Silver Nickel Vine 0.875
Didelta FF Silver Strand UR 100 FanciFillers Didelta 0.215
Doroth. Candy Apple Red URC 100 Dorotheanthus 0.224
Dorotheanthus Variegated URC 100 Variegated Dorotheanthus 0.224
Duranta Gold Edge URC 100 Gold Edge Duranta 0.190
Euphorbia SB Snowdrift URC 100 Starblast Euphorbia 0.230