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P.O Box 1587
Brandon FL 33509
Phone: (813)689-6706 or (800)237-7794
Fax: (813)684-5856
E-mail: [email protected]
Supplier #1048
Box Size
Box Charges $2/bx $.54 per insert
Minimums 1 box
FOB Apopka, FL
Total no of Plant(s) : 293
Image Botanical Name Common Name Class/Size Price
Haworthia Ibrida 2in 45/cs Haworthia 1.125
Haworthia Limifolia 2in 45/cs Haworthia 1.125
Haworthia Mix 2in 90/cs Haworthia Mix 1.238
Haworthia Mix 3in 50/cs Haworthia Mix 3.125
Haworthia Pentagona 3 inch 50/cs Pentagona Haworthia 1.875
Haworthia Rare Assortment 2in 90/bx Rare Assortment Haworthia 3.125
Haworthia Rare Asst 2.5 in 63/bx Rare Assortment Haworthia 3.750
Haworthia Rare Blk Venus 2.5 35/bx Rare Haworthia 4.375
Haworthia Rare Cooperi 2.5 35/bx Rare Haworthia 4.375
Haworthia Reticulata 2in 45/cs Haworthia 1.125
Haworthia Retusa Green Jumbo 63/bx Jumbo Green Haworthia 5.000
Haworthia Royal Albert 2in 45/cs Haworthia 1.125
Haworthia Saiko 2in 90/bx Saiko Haworthia 5.000
Haworthia Savana 2in 90/bx Savana Haworthia 5.000
Haworthia Super Fasciata 2in 45/cs Super Fasciata Haworthia 1.125
Haworthia Zebra 2in 45/cs Haworthia 2.813
Haworthia Zimiflora 2in 45/cs Haworthia 1.125
Hedera Mix 2inch 90/bx Hedera 1.000
Hoya Australis 2in 90/cs Hoya 6.250
Hoya Kerry Hearts Green 2in 90/cs Hoya 3.750
Hoya Lisa 2in 90/cs Hoya 6.250
Hoya Publicalyx 2in 90/cs Hoya 6.250
Hoya Rope compacta 2in 90/cs Hoya 6.250
Hydnophytum Ant Plant 2inch 90/bx Ant Plant 6.250
Hydnophytum Ant Plant 2inch 90/bx Ant Plant 6.250
Hydnophytum Ant Plant Puffii 90/bx Ant Plant 6.250
Hypoestes Splash 2inch 90/bx Hyposetes 1.000
Kalanchoe Flapjacks 3 50/cs Kalanchoe 2.813
Kalanchoe Flapjacks 4 30/cs Kalanchoe 0.000
Kalanchoe Flapjacks 6 12/cs Kalanchoe 6.875