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Please note that orders being shipped out of the United States will typically carry a 10% increase in price due to document fees.
P.O Box 1587
Brandon FL 33509
Phone: (813)689-6706 or (800)237-7794
Fax: (813)684-5856
E-mail: [email protected]
Supplier #45
Box Size 24 x 22 x 12
Box Charges $3/BX URC; Incl for RC
Pack 4-8 trays/box
PHYTO $40PR; $29.50 cartage; $90-136
Minimums 600UR; 4tr-RC; $25UM
FOB Indian Trail, N
Total no of Plant(s) : 2036
Image Botanical Name Common Name Class/Size Price
NGI Sun Harmony Deep Pink 105 100 CP New Guinea Impatien 0.749
NGI Sun Harmony Magenta 105 100 CP New Guinea Impatien 0.749
NGI Sun Harmony Purple 105 100 CP New Guinea Impatien 0.749
NGI Sun Harmony Red 105 100 CP New Guinea Impatien 0.749
NGI Sun Harmony Salmon 105 100 CP New Guinea Impatien 0.749
NGI Sun Harmony Violet 105 100 CP New Guinea Impatien 0.749
NGI Sun Harmony Vivid Pink 105 100 CP New Guinea Impatien 0.749
NGI Sun Harmony White 105 100 CP New Guinea Impatien 0.749
Osteo Blushing Yellow 105 100 CP Blushing Yellow Osteospermum 0.670
Osteo Lavender 105 100 CP Lavender Osterospermum 0.670
Osteo Ostica Amethyst 105 100 CP Amethyst Osteospermum Ostica 0.790
Osteo Ostica Bronze 105 100 CP Bronze Osteospermum Ostica 0.790
Osteo Ostica Burgundy 105 100 CP Burgundy Osteospermum Ostica 0.790
Osteo Ostica Glamour 105 100 CP Osteospermum Ostica 0.790
Osteo Ostica Mega Pink 105 100 CP Osteospermum Ostica 0.790
Osteo Ostica Midnight 105 100 CP Osteospermum Ostica 0.790
Osteo Osticade Pink 105 100 CP Osterospermum Osticade 0.793
Osteo Osticade Pure White 105 100 CP Osterospermum Osticade 0.793
Osteo Osticade Purple 105 100 CP Osterospermum Osticade 0.793
Osteo Osticade Vintage Pink105 100 CP Osterospermum Osticade 0.793
Osteo Osticade Yellow 105 100 CP Osterospermum Osticade 0.793
Osteo Purple 105 100 CP Purple Osterospermum 0.670
Oxalis Burgundy 105 100 CP Burgundy Oxalis 0.646
Oxalis Golden 105 100 CP Golden Oxalis 0.646
Oxalis Siliquosa Sunset Velvet 100 CP Oxalis Siliquosa Sunset Velvet 0.646
Pellonia New Emerald Green 100 CP Emerald Green Pellonia 0.646
Pellonia Watermelon 100 CP Watermelon Pellonia 0.646
Penstemon Digitalis Pocahontas 100 CP Penstemon Digitalis Pocahontas 0.975
Penstemon RH Delfts Blue 105 100 CP Penstemon Riding Hood 0.905
Penstemon RH Purple 105 100 CP Penstemon Riding Hood 0.905