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Please note that orders being shipped out of the United States will typically carry a 10% increase in price due to document fees.
P.O Box 1587
Brandon FL 33509
Phone: (813)689-6706 or (800)237-7794
Fax: (813)684-5856
E-mail: [email protected]
Supplier #12
Box Size 22 x 12 x 14
Box Charges $6.90; $7.60 for 288cp box
Pack 288 6tr/bx; 72 4tr/bx; 40 3tr/
PHYTO $10.00-PR/$110 International
Minimums 4 trays
FOB Apopka, FL
Total no of Plant(s) : 144
Image Botanical Name Common Name Class/Size Price
Platycerium Veitchii Lemoine72 72 CP French Staghorn Fern 1.063
Polystichum acrostichoides 72 72 CP Christmas Fern 1.113
Polystichum munitum 72 72 CP Western Sword Fern 1.163
Polystichum polyblepharum 72 72 CP Tassel Fern 1.113
Polystichum s divisilobum 72 72 CP Soft Shield Holly Fern 1.063
Polystichum Tsus-Simense 72 72 CP Korean Rock Fern 1.063
Pteris c Albo-Lineata 72 72 CP Variegated Cretan Break Fern 1.000
Pteris e evergemiensis 72 72 CP Variegated Break Fern 1.000
Rhaphidophora decursiva 72 72 CP Dragon Tail 1.400
Rhaphidophora tetrasperma 72 72 CP Monstera Ginny 1.250
Rumohra adiantiform iberia 72 72 CP Leatherleaf Fern 1.000
Scindapsus pictus 72 72 CP pictus Scindapsus 1.125
Selaginella krauss Gold Tip 72 72 CP Krauss Gold Tips Spikemoss 2.250
Selaginella krauss. Aurea 72 72 CP Krauss Gold Spikemoss 2.250
Selaginella kraussiana 72 72 CP Krauss Green Spikemoss 2.250
Selaginella sp. Emmeliana 72 72 CP Emmeliana Spikemoss 2.250
Syngonium Batik 72 72 CP Batik Syngonium 1.650
Syngonium Neon 72 72 CP Pink Syngonium 0.838
Syngonium Pink Perfection 72 72 CP Pink Perfection Syngonium 1.650
Syngonium Wendlandii 72 72 CP Wendlandii Syngonium 1.650
Thelypteris decursi pinnata 72 72 CP Japanese Beech Fern 1.063
Thelypteris kunthii 72 72 CP Southern River Fern 1.050
Thelypteris o Lindheimerii 72 72 CP Dwarf River Fern 1.063
Woodwardia fimbriata 72 72 CP Giant Chain Fern 1.063