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Please note that orders being shipped out of the United States will typically carry a 10% increase in price due to document fees.
P.O Box 1587
Brandon FL 33509
Phone: (813)689-6706 or (800)237-7794
Fax: (813)684-5856
E-mail: [email protected]
Supplier #683
Box Size 25x22x17 32cp; 25x22x13 72cp
Box Charges $11.50
Pack 4 tr/bx
PHYTO $93.50 NJ, IN, AZ, Canada
Minimums 1 box
FOB Arroyo Grande
Total no of Plant(s) : 160
Image Botanical Name Common Name Class/Size Price
Rose Sunbelt Savannah 32 32 CP Sunbelt Rose 3.563
Rose Sunbelt Savannah 72 72 CP Sunbelt Rose 2.488
Rose Sunbelt Sierra Lady 32 32 CP Sunbelt Rose 3.563
Rose Sunbelt Sierra Lady 72 72 CP Sunbelt Rose 2.488
Rose Sunbelt Soul Sister 32 32 CP Sunbelt Rose 3.563
Rose Sunbelt Soul Sister 72 72 CP Sunbelt Rose 2.488
Rose Sunbelt South Africa 32 32 CP Sunbelt Rose 3.563
Rose Sunbelt South Africa 72 72 CP Sunbelt Rose 2.488
Rose Sunbelt Tupelo Honey 32 32 CP Sunbelt Rose 3.563
Rose Sunbelt Tupelo Honey 72 72 CP Sunbelt Rose 2.488
Rose Sunblaze Amber 32 32 CP Sunblaze Rose 2.900
Rose Sunblaze Amber 72 72 CP Sunblaze Rose 1.825
Rose Sunblaze Autumn 32 32 CP Sunblaze Rose 2.875
Rose Sunblaze Autumn 72 72 CP Sunblaze Rose 1.800
Rose Sunblaze Baby Paradise 32 32 CP Sunblaze Rose 2.875
Rose Sunblaze Baby Paradise 72 72 CP Sunblaze Rose 1.800
Rose Sunblaze Bridal 32 32 CP Sunblaze Rose 2.875
Rose Sunblaze Bridal 72 72 CP Sunblaze Rose 1.800
Rose Sunblaze Candy 32 32 CP Candy Rose 2.900
Rose Sunblaze Candy 72 72 CP Candy Rose 1.825
Rose Sunblaze Cherry 32 32 CP Sunblaze Rose 2.875
Rose Sunblaze Cherry 72 72 CP Sunblaze Rose 1.800
Rose Sunblaze Debut 32 32 CP Sunblaze Rose 2.875
Rose Sunblaze Debut 72 72 CP Sunblaze Rose 1.800
Rose Sunblaze Golden 32 32 CP Sunblaze Rose 2.875
Rose Sunblaze Golden 72 72 CP Sunblaze Rose 1.800
Rose Sunblaze Lemon 32 32 CP Sunblaze Rose 2.900
Rose Sunblaze Lemon 72 72 CP Sunblaze Rose 1.825
Rose Sunblaze Mandarin 32 32 CP Sunblaze Rose 2.875
Rose Sunblaze Mandarin 72 72 CP Sunblaze Rose 1.800