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Please note that orders being shipped out of the United States will typically carry a 10% increase in price due to document fees.
P.O Box 1587
Brandon FL 33509
Phone: (813)689-6706 or (800)237-7794
Fax: (813)684-5856
E-mail: [email protected]
Supplier #1042
Box Size Small box only for Ground Frt
Box Charges $6.00 Sm box $13.50 Lg Box
Pack 3 tray Sm box & 6 tray Lg box
FOB Apopka, FL
Total no of Plant(s) : 131
Image Botanical Name Common Name Class/Size Price
Nephrolepis e. Super Boston 72 72 CP exaltata Nephrolepis 0.690
Nephrolepis e. Tiger 72 72 CP Tiger Boston Fern 0.790
Nephrolepis e. True Boston 72 72 CP True Boston Fern 0.690
Nephrolepis f. Fishtail 50 50 CP Fishtail Fern 0.740
Nephrolepis Hawaiian Sword 72 72 CP cordifolia Kupu Nephrolepis 0.740
Nephrolepis o. Chester 72 72 CP obliterata Chester Fern 0.690
Nephrolepis o. Medusa 72 72 CP obliterata Medusa Fern 0.740
Nephrolepis o. Western Queen 72 CP Western Queen Fern 0.690
Onoclea sensibilis 72 72 CP Sensitive Fern 0.790
Osmunda cinnamomea 72 72 CP Cinnamon Fern 0.790
Osmunda regalis 72 72 CP Royal Fern 0.790
Pellaea Glowstar PP9826 72 72 CP Glowstar Fern 0.740
Pellaea rotundifolia 72 72 CP Button Fern 0.740
Phlebodium a. Mandaianum 72 72 CP Blue Star Phlebodium 0.790
Phlebosia x Nicolas Diamond 72 72 CP Nicolas Diamond x Phlebosia 0.790
Phylitis scolopendrium 72 72 CP Harts Tongue 0.790
Platycerium bifurcatum 72 72 CP Staghorn Fern 0.840
Platycerium netherlands 72 72 CP Dutch Staghorn 0.790
Platycerium superbum 40 100 CP Giant Staghorn Fern 1.600
Platycerium veitchii 72 72 CP Silver Staghorn Fern 0.790
Polypodium formosanum 72 72 CP Caterpillar Fern 0.790
Polypodium vulgare 50 50 CP Common Polypody 0.790
Polystichum acrostichoides 50 50 CP Christmas Fern 0.840
Polystichum munitum 50 50 CP Western Sword Fern 0.790
Polystichum polyblenharum 72 72 CP Tassel Fern 0.790
Polystichum setisferum 72 72 CP Soft Shield 0.790
Polystichum tsus-simense 72 72 CP Korean Rock Fern 0.790
Pteris argyraea 72 72 CP Silver Brake Fern 0.740
Pteris cretica Albo lineata 72 72 CP Ribbon Fern 0.740
Pteris cretica Mayii 72 72 CP Mayii Fern 0.740