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P.O Box 1587
Brandon FL 33509
Phone: (813)689-6706 or (800)237-7794
Fax: (813)684-5856
E-mail: [email protected]
Supplier #440
Box Size
Box Charges $3 boxing fee per tray
Pack 1-3 trays
PHYTO $50.00
Minimums 1 tray-freight/tray
FOB Pensacola, FL
Total no of Plant(s) : 672
Image Botanical Name Common Name Class/Size Price
Artemisia Powis Castle 72 72 CP Powis Castle Artemisia 0.750
Artemisia Silver Brocade 72 72 CP Silver Brocade Artemisia 0.750
Artemisia Silver Mound 72 72 CP Silver Mound Artemisia 0.750
Artemisia SunFern Arcadia 72 72 CP SunFern Artemisia 1.168
Artemisia SunFern Olympia 72 72 CP SunFern Artemisia 1.168
Asclepias incarnata 72 72 CP incarnata Asclepias 0.970
Asclepias tuberosa 72 72 CP tuberosa Asclepias 0.970
Aster Grape Crush 72 72 CP Grape Crush Aster 1.058
Aster Purple Dome 72 72 CP Purple Dome Aster 0.870
Astilbe c. Pumila 38 38 CP Pumila Astilbe 1.540
Astilbe c. Visions 38 38 CP Visions Astilbe 1.780
Astilbe Delft Lace 38 38 CP Delft Lace Astilbe 2.133
Astilbe j. Montgomery 38 38 CP Montgomery Astilbe 1.540
Astilbe LittleVision in Pink38 38 CP Little Vision in Pink Astilbe 2.070
Astilbe LittleVision in Purp38 38 CP Little Vision in PurpleAstilbe 2.070
Astilbe s. Sprite 38 38 CP Sprite Astilbe 1.540
Astilbe Vision in Pink 38 38 CP Vision in Pink Astilbe 1.820
Astilbe Vision in White 38 38 CP Vision in White Astilbe 2.070
Astilbe xa. Bridal Veil 38 38 CP Bridal Veil Astilbe 1.540
Astilbe xa. Erika 38 38 CP Erika Astilbe 1.540
Astilbe xa. Fanal 38 38 CP Fanal Astilbe 1.540
Baptisia australis 72 72 CP Australis Baptisia 0.940
Beg TREX Ruby Slippers 72 72 CP TREX Begonia 1.790
Beg TREX St Nick 72 72 CP TREX Begonia 1.790
Belamcanda chinensis 38 38 CP Blackberry Lily 1.320
Bouteloua curtipendula 38 38 CP curtipendula Bouteloua 1.180
Bouteloua g. Blonde Ambition38 38 CP gracilis Bouteloua 2.188
Bouteloua g. Blonde Ambition50 50 CP gracilis Bouteloua 1.938
Bouteloua g. Honeycomb 38 38 CP gracilis Bouteloua 2.188
Bouteloua gracilis 38 38 CP gracilis Bouteloua 1.180