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Please note that orders being shipped out of the United States will typically carry a 10% increase in price due to document fees.
P.O Box 1587
Brandon FL 33509
Phone: (813)689-6706 or (800)237-7794
Fax: (813)684-5856
E-mail: [email protected]
Supplier #147
Box Size Multiple
Box Charges $4.25-9/box--varies by size
Pack Varies; Intl. min 14 trays
PHYTO $65phyto/$25 intl./$30 chem
Minimums 2 trays; $25 UM fee
FOB Apopka, FL
Total no of Plant(s) : 361
Image Botanical Name Common Name Class/Size Price
Alpinia z. Shell Ginger 72 72 CP zerumbet Alpinia 1.600
Alpinia z. Variegated Shell 72 72 CP zerumbet Alpinia 1.600
Ananas c. Elite Gold 72 72 CP Elite Gold Pineapple 1.250
Ananas c. Florida Special 72 72 CP comosus Ananas 1.250
Ananas c. White Jade 72 72 CP White Jade Pineapple 1.250
Ananas Juicy 72 72 CP Juicy Ananas 2.500
Ananas Sugarloaf 72 72 CP Sugarloaf Pineapple 1.250
Anthurium Big Red Bird 72 72 CP Big Red Bird Anthurium 2.000
Anthurium Bon Sp Guay Cobra 72 72 CP bonpleadii sp guayan Anthurium 2.250
Anthurium clarinervium 72 72 CP clarinervium Anthurium 3.300
Anthurium Miss June Purple 72 72 CP Miss June Purple Anthurium 1.200
Anthurium Oaxaca 72 72 CP Oaxaca Anthurium 2.000
Anthurium pedato Fingers 72 72 CP Anthurium pedato-radiatum 2.000
Anthurium podophyllum 72 72 CP podophyllum Anthurium 4.125
Anthurium radicans x luxurians 72 CP radicans x luxurians Anthurium 4.125
Anthurium Red Leaf 72 72 CP Red Leaf Anthurium 1.500
Anthurium Red Sensation 72 72 CP Red Sensation Anthurium 1.200
Anthurium superbum 72 72 CP superbum Anthurium 2.000
Anthurium veitchii King 72 72 CP veitchii King Anthurium 4.125
Apoballis acuminatiss Lavallei 72 CP Apoballis acuminatissima 4.125
Aronia melanocarpa Viking 72 72 CP Black Chokeberry 1.500
Asclepias i Pink Milkweed 72 72 CP Pink Milkweed Asclepias 0.975
Asclepias p White Milkweed 72 72 CP White Milkweed Asclepias 0.975
Asclepias t Btrfly Mlkwd Org72 72 CP Butterfly Milkweed Asclepias 0.975
Asclepias tuberosa Deep Red 72 72 CP tuberosa Asclepias 0.975
Asclepias verticillata Whorl72 72 CP Whorled Milkweed 0.975
Begonia brevirimosa Exotica 72 72 CP begnia brevirimosa Exotica 1.300
Boesenbergia r. Chinese Keys 72 CP Boesenbergia rotunda 1.600
Burbidgea s. Golden Brush Gi72 72 CP scheizocheila Gldn Brush Ginge 1.600
Camellia sinensis Lg Lf 72 72 CP sinensis Camellia 1.750