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Please note that orders being shipped out of the United States will typically carry a 10% increase in price due to document fees.
P.O Box 1587
Brandon FL 33509
Phone: (813)689-6706 or (800)237-7794
Fax: (813)684-5856
E-mail: [email protected]
Supplier #1042
Box Size Small box only for Ground Frt
Box Charges $6.00 Sm box $13.50 Lg Box
Pack 3 tray Sm box & 6 tray Lg box
FOB Apopka, FL
Total no of Plant(s) : 131
Image Botanical Name Common Name Class/Size Price
Dryopteris ludiviciana 72 72 CP Southern Shield Fern 0.790
Dryopteris marginalis 72 72 CP Eastern Wood Fern 0.740
Dryopteris pseudo felix-mas 50 50 CP Mexican Male 0.840
Dryopteris remota 72 72 CP Remote Wood Fern 0.790
Dryopteris wallichiana 50 50 CP Jurassic Gold Fern 0.990
Hemionitis arifolia 72 72 CP Heart Fern 0.740
Humata t. White Rabbit Foot 72 72 CP White Rabbits Foot Fern 0.740
Matteuccia struthiopteris 72 72 CP Ostrich Fern 0.740
Microlepia strigosa 72 CP Lace (Palapalai) Fern 0.740
Microsorum diversifolium 72 72 CP Kangaroo Fern 0.740
Microsorum musifolium72 72 CP Crococyllus Fern (PP13653) 0.890
Microsorum punctatum 72 72 CP Green Flame PP17421 0.790
Microsorum scolopendrium 72 72 CP Hawaiian Lauae Dwf Fern 0.790
Nephrolepis b. Macho 50 50 CP Macho Fern 0.690
Nephrolepis c Kupukupu 72 72 CP Hawaiian Sword Kupukupu 0.740
Nephrolepis California Swrd 72 72 CP cordifolia Nephrolepis 0.740
Nephrolepis cordifolia 72 72 CP Lemon Button Fern 0.690
Nephrolepis e Fluffy Ruffles72 72 CP Fluffy Ruffles Boston Fern 0.690
Nephrolepis e. Ariane 72 72 CP Ariane PP21218 0.740
Nephrolepis e. Blonde 72 72 CP Boston Gold Nephrolepis 0.790
Nephrolepis e. Blue Bell 72 72 CP Blue Bell Boston Fern 0.690
Nephrolepis e. Compacta 72 72 CP Compacta Boston Fern 0.690
Nephrolepis e. Cotton Candy 72 72 CP exaltata Nephrolepis 0.790
Nephrolepis e. Emina 72 72 CP Emina Boston Fern 0.740
Nephrolepis e. Green Fantasy72 72 CP Green Fantasy Boston Fern 0.690
Nephrolepis e. Marisa 72 72 CP exaltata Nephrolepis 0.790
Nephrolepis e. Montana 72 72 CP Montana Boston Fern 0.740
Nephrolepis e. Nevada 72 72 CP Nevada Boston Fern 0.740
Nephrolepis e. Petticoat 72 72 CP exaltata Nephrolepis 0.740
Nephrolepis e. Pom Pom 72 72 CP Pom Pom Boston Fern 0.740