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P.O Box 1587
Brandon FL 33509
Phone: (813)689-6706 or (800)237-7794
Fax: (813)684-5856
E-mail: [email protected]
Supplier #751
Box Size
Box Charges N/A; delivered pricing in US
Pack 2K; Ipomoea 1K
PHYTO $50; $50-$75UMF; AK/HA $15/Bx
Minimums 100/var; 2K/ Ipo.1K
FOB Delivered
Total no of Plant(s) : 590
Image Botanical Name Common Name Class/Size Price
Salvia Black and Blue UR 100 Black and Blue Salvia 0.193
Salvia Bodacious Smokey JazzUR 100 Bodacious Smokey Jazz Salvia 0.394
Satureja Indian Mint URC 100 Indian Mint Satureja 0.246
Sca. Scalora Suntastic Yllw UR 100 Scalora Scaevola 0.315
Scaev. Surdiva Classic Blue UR 100 Surdiva Scaevola 0.335
Scaevola Scalora Brilliant URC 100 Scalora Brilliant Scaevola 0.265
Scaevola Scalora Diamond URC 100 Scalora Diamond Scaevola 0.265
Scaevola Scalora Fancy Blue UR 100 Scalora Fancy Blue Scaevola 0.265
Scaevola Scalora Pearl UR 100 Scalora Pearl Scaevola 0.265
Scaevola Surdiva Blue VioletUR 100 Surdiva Scaevola 0.335
Scaevola Surdiva Fshn Pink UR 100 Surdiva Scaevola 0.335
Scaevola Surdiva Lilac Mist UR 100 Surdiva Scaevola 0.335
Scaevola Surdiva Purple UR 100 Surdiva Scaevola 0.335
Scaevola Surdiva White UR 100 Surdiva Scaevola 0.335
Scaevola ToppoT Blue Imp URC 100 Scaevola ToppoT 0.265
Scaevola ToppoT Pink Imp URC 100 Scaevola ToppoT 0.265
Scaevola ToppoT White URC 100 Scaevola ToppoT 0.265
Scaevola ToppoT Yellow URC 100 Scaevola ToppoT 0.265
Setcreasea Purple URC 100 Purple Setcreasea 0.235
Setcreasea Purple Variegate UR 100 Purple Variegated Setcreasea 0.235
Streptocarpella Concord Blue 100 Concord Blue Streptocarpella 0.188
Strobilanthus URC 100 Strobilanthus 0.209
Thunberg TowerPower Apricot UR 100 TowerPower Thunbergia 0.290
Thunberg TowerPower Gold UR 100 TowerPower Thunbergia 0.290
Thunberg TowerPower Orange UR 100 TowerPower Thunbergia 0.290
Thunberg TowerPower Red UR 100 TowerPower Thunbergia 0.290
Thunberg TowerPower White UR 100 TowerPower Thunbergia 0.290
Thunberg TowerPower Yellow UR 100 TowerPower Thunbergia 0.290
Thunbergia SS Amber Stripes UR 100 Sunny Susy Thunbergia 0.315
Thunbergia SS Brownie UR 100 Sunny Susy Thunbergia 0.315