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P.O Box 1587
Brandon FL 33509
Phone: (813)689-6706 or (800)237-7794
Fax: (813)684-5856
E-mail: [email protected]
Supplier #1096
Box Size 21x18.5x14.5
Box Charges Included
Pack Varies
PHYTO $50 when required
Minimums 2500/$65 UMF 100/va
FOB Delivered
Total no of Plant(s) : 770
Image Botanical Name Common Name Class/Size Price
NG Imp Sun Harmony Salmon URC 100 Sun Harm. New Guinea Impatien 0.276
NG Imp Sun Harmony Violet URC 100 Sun Harm. New Guinea Impatien 0.276
NG Imp Sun Harmony Vivid Pk UR 100 Sun Harm. New Guinea Impatien 0.276
NG Imp Sun Harmony White URC 100 Sun Harm. New Guinea Impatien 0.276
Oenothera g. Siskiyou Pink URC 100 Oenothera g. lindheimeri 0.166
Oenothera g. Walber Sil Founta 100 Walberton's Silver Fountain 0.498
Origanum Bellissimo URC 100 Bellissimo Origanum 0.320
Origanum Kent Beauty URC 100 Kent Beauty Origanum 0.133
Origanum v Greek URC 100 Greek Origanum 0.133
Origanum v Hot & Spicy URC 100 Hot & Spicy Origanum 0.133
Oxalis Burgundy URC 100 Burgundy Oxalis 0.170
Oxalis Sunset Velvet URC 100 Sunset Oxalis 0.170
Pachyphytum bracteosum URC 100 Pachyphytum Bracteosum 0.463
Pachyphytum compactum URC 100 Pachyphytum Compactum 0.463
Pachyphytum hookeri URC 100 Pachyphytum Hookeri 0.423
Pachystachys lutea URC 100 Golden Shrimp Plant 0.194
Pachyveria Blue URC 100 Blue Pachyveria 0.491
Penstemon d. Pocahontas UR 100 Pocahontas digitalis Penstemon 0.453
Penstemon RH Delfts Blue UR 100 Riding Hood Penstemon 0.400
Penstemon RH Purple UR 100 Riding Hood Penstemon 0.400
Penstemon RH Red UR 100 Riding Hood Penstemon 0.400
Pentas Compact Red URC 100 Compact Red Pentas 0.184
Pentas Compact Rose URC 100 Compact Red Pentas 0.184
Pentas Ruby Red URC 100 Ruby Red Pentas 0.184
Peperomia axillaris URC 100 axillaris Peperomia 0.190
Pericallis BS Blue UR 100 Baby Senetti Pericallis 0.341
Pericallis BS True Blue UR 100 Baby Senetti Pericallis 0.326
Pericallis Sen. Blue BicolorUR 100 Senetti Pericallis 0.404
Pericallis Sen. Blue Halo URC 100 Senetti Pericallis 0.404
Pericallis Sen. Magenta BclrUR 100 Senetti Pericallis 0.404