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P.O Box 1587
Brandon FL 33509
Phone: (813)689-6706 or (800)237-7794
Fax: (813)684-5856
E-mail: [email protected]
Supplier #1096
Box Size 21x18.5x14.5
Box Charges Included
Pack Varies
PHYTO $50 when required
Minimums 2500/$65 UMF 100/va
FOB Delivered
Total no of Plant(s) : 770
Image Botanical Name Common Name Class/Size Price
Heliotropium a Poseidon URC 100 arborescens Heliotropium 0.249
Heliotropium Frangrant Delight 100 Frangrant Delight Heliotropium 0.195
Hemigraphis Dragons BreathURC 100 Dragon's Breath Hemigraphis 0.143
Hemigraphis Red Flame Ivy URC 100 Red Flame Ivy Hemigraphis 0.158
Iberis semp. Purity URC 100 Iberis semp. Purity 0.154
Imp Musica Bicolor Cherry URC 100 Double Impatiens Musica 0.214
Imp Musica Bicolor Dk Red URC 100 Double Impatiens Musica 0.214
Imp Musica Bicolor Pink URC 100 Double Impatiens Musica 0.214
Imp Musica Elegant Red URC 100 Double Impatiens Musica 0.214
Imp Musica Orange URC 100 Double Impatiens Musica 0.214
Imp Musica Pure White URC 100 Double Impatiens Musica 0.214
Iresine Blazin Rose UR 100 Blazin Rose Iresine 0.148
Iresine herbstii brilliantisim 100 Bloodleaf Iresine 0.144
Isotoma FizzNPop Prtty n PnkUR 100 Fizz N Pop Isotoma 0.306
Kalanchoe b. Fang URC 100 Kalanchoe Beharensis 0.598
Kalanchoe b. Minima URC 100 Kalanchoe Beharensis 0.548
Kalanchoe b. Variegata URC 100 Kalanchoe Beharensis 0.598
Kalanchoe beharensis UR 100 baharensis Kalanchoe 0.638
Kalanchoe Fantastic P21945 URC 100 thrysiflora Kalanchoe 0.875
Kalanchoe gastonis bonnieri UR 100 Bonnieri Gastonis Kalanchoe 0.404
Kalanchoe hildebrandtii URC 100 hildebrandtii Kalanchoe 0.406
Kalanchoe houghtonii URC 100 Houghtonii Kalanchoe 0.406
Kalanchoe hyb. Behartii URC 100 Behartii hybrid Kalanchoe 0.436
Kalanchoe l. Coccinea URC 100 Coccinea longiflora Kalanchoe 0.386
Kalanchoe marmorata URC 100 marmorata Kalanchoe 0.386
Kalanchoe marnieriana URC 100 marnieriana Kalanchoe 0.353
Kalanchoe millotii URC 100 Kalanchoe 0.353
Kalanchoe orgyalis URC 100 Kalanchoe Orgyalis 0.436
Kalanchoe pumila URC 100 Kalanchoe 0.361
Kalanchoe t Choco Solider URC 100 tomentosa Kalanchoe 0.381