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P.O Box 1587
Brandon FL 33509
Phone: (813)689-6706 or (800)237-7794
Fax: (813)684-5856
E-mail: [email protected]
Supplier #751
Box Size
Box Charges N/A; delivered pricing in US
Pack 2K; Ipomoea 1K
PHYTO $50; $50-$75UMF; AK/HA $15/Bx
Minimums 100/var; 2K/ Ipo.1K
FOB Delivered
Total no of Plant(s) : 590
Image Botanical Name Common Name Class/Size Price
Herb Stevia rebaudiana UR 100 Stevia rebaudiana Herb 0.158
Herb Thyme English UR 100 Thyme English Herb 0.099
Herb Thyme French UR 100 Thyme French Herb 0.099
Herb Thyme Golden Lemon UR 100 Thyme Golden Lemon Herb 0.094
Herb Thyme Lemon UR 100 Thyme Lemon Herb 0.099
Herb Thyme Silver UR 100 Thyme Silver Herb 0.099
Homalocladium Ribbon & Curls 100 Homalocladium Ribbon & Curls 0.256
Iresine Bloodleaf URC 100 Bloodleaf Iresine 0.169
Iresine Variegated UR 100 Variegated Iresine 0.169
Isotoma FnP Glowing Violet UR 100 Fizz n Pop Isotoma 0.294
Lamiastrum Hermans Pride UR 100 Hermans Pride Lamiastrum 0.134
Lamiastrum Silver Frost URC 100 Lamiastrum Silver Frost 0.134
Lamium Aureum/Yellow URC 100 Aureum/Yellow Lamium 0.134
Lamium Beacon Silver URC 100 Beacon Silver Lamium 0.134
Lamium mac. Orchid Frost URC 100 Orchid Frost Lamium 0.134
Lamium Pink Pewter URC 100 Lamium Pink Pewter 0.134
Lamium Red Nancy URC 100 Red Nancy Lamium 0.134
Lamium White Nancy URC 100 White Nancy Lamium 0.134
Lantana Confetti UR 100 Confetti Lantana 0.173
Lantana Dallas Red UR 100 Dallas Red Lantana 0.173
Lantana New Gold UR 100 New Gold Lantana 0.173
Lantana SBC Bullion URC 100 Lantana South Beach Compact 0.279
Lantana SBC Coconut URC 100 Lantana South Beach Compact 0.279
Lantana SBC Coral URC 100 Lantana South Beach Compact 0.279
Lantana SBC Heat URC 100 Lantana South Beach Compact 0.279
Lantana SBC Hot Pink URC 100 Lantana South Beach Compact 0.279
Lantana SBC Purple Skies URC 100 Lantana South Beach Compact 0.279
Lobelia Hot Aqua URC 100 Lobelia Hot 0.221
Lobelia Hot Blue w/Eye URC 100 Lobelia Hot 0.221
Lobelia Hot Dark Blue URC 100 Lobelia Hot 0.221