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P.O Box 1587
Brandon FL 33509
Phone: (813)689-6706 or (800)237-7794
Fax: (813)684-5856
E-mail: [email protected]
Supplier #577
Box Size
Box Charges None
Pack 100/var; 2K GER/NGI 1600DIP
PHYTO $50.00
Minimums 1 box
FOB Monroeville NJ
Total no of Plant(s) : 339
Image Botanical Name Common Name Class/Size Price
Ger. Calliope Dark Red CC Md 100 Calliope Geranium 0.490
Ger. Calliope Deep Rose CC Md 100 Calliope Geranium 0.490
Ger. Calliope Hot Pink CC Lg 100 Calliope Geranium 0.490
Ger. Calliope Hot Pink CC Md 100 Calliope Geranium 0.490
Ger. Calliope Hot Rose CC Lg 100 Calliope Geranium 0.490
Ger. Calliope Hot Rose CC Md 100 Calliope Geranium 0.490
Ger. Calliope Lav Rose CC Md 100 Calliope Geranium 0.490
Ger. Calliope Lav Splash CC Lg 100 Calliope Geranium 0.490
Ger. Calliope Lavender CC Lg 100 Calliope Geranium 0.490
Ger. Calliope Light Lav. CC Md 100 Calliope Geranium 0.490
Ger. Calliope Magenta CC Lg 100 Calliope Geranium 0.490
Ger. Calliope Pink CC Lg 100 Calliope Geranium 0.490
Ger. Calliope Pink Flame CC Md 100 Calliope Geranium 0.490
Ger. Calliope Red CC Md 100 Calliope Geranium 0.490
Ger. Calliope Salmon CC Lg 100 Calliope Geranium 0.490
Ger. Calliope Scarlet CC Md 100 Calliope Geranium 0.490
Ger. Calliope Scrlet FireCC Lg 100 Calliope Geranium 0.490
Ger. Calliope Violet CC Md 100 Calliope Geranium 0.490
Ger. Calliope White CC Md 100 Calliope Geranium 0.490
Geranium Tags 100 Tags for Geraniums 0.031
Mum Addison White UR 100var Garden Mum 0.323
Mum Adelle White UR 100var Fleurettes Mum 0.323
Mum Aideen Red Fire UR 100var Garden Mum 0.323
Mum Apple Valley Pnk BicolorUR 100var Pot Mum 0.344
Mum Arlette Purple UR 100var Garden Mum 0.323
Mum Artistic Pink Imp. UR 100var Pot Mum RVZ 0.344
Mum Ashley Red UR 100var Garden Mum 0.323
Mum Aubrey Orange UR 100var Garden Mum 0.323
Mum Auburn Orange UR 100var Pot Mum 0.344
Mum Auburn Red UR 100var Pot Mum 0.344