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P.O Box 1587
Brandon FL 33509
Phone: (813)689-6706 or (800)237-7794
Fax: (813)684-5856
E-mail: [email protected]
Supplier #555
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Box Charges
Total no of Plant(s) : 94
Image Botanical Name Common Name Class/Size Price
Liquidambar s. Sweetgum 40 40 CP styraciflua Liquidambar 0.813
Lonicera s Coral Honeysuckle60 60 CP sempervirens Lonicera 0.863
Lyonia f. Rusty 3in 3 IN ferruginea Lyonia 1.875
Lyonia f. Rusty 40 40 CP ferruginea Lyonia 1.063
Lyonia l. Fetter Bush 40 40 CP lucida Lyonia 1.188
Magnolia g. Southern 40 40 CP grandiflora Magnolia 1.188
Magnolia v. Sweetbay 40 40 CP virginiana Magnolia 0.938
Mimosa strigillosa Sunshine 40 40 CP Sunshine strigillosa Mimosa 0.813
Muhlenbergia c. Pink Muhly 60 60 CP capillaris Muhlenbergia 0.688
Muhlenbergia c. White Cloud 40 40 CP capillaris Muhlenbergia 0.938
Muhlenbergia d Bamboo Muhly 40 40 CP dumosa Muhlenbergia 1.238
Myrcianthes Simpsons Stopper60 60 CP fragrans Myrcianthes 0.938
Myrica c. Wax Myrtle 40 40 CP cerifera Myrica 0.750
Nyssa sylvatica v. biflora 40 40 CP Swamp Black Gum Nyssa 0.938
Persea p. Swamp Red Bay 40 40 CP palustris Persea 1.063
Phoenix Sylvestris Robusta 50 50 CP Robust Date Palm 1.238
Pinus e d So Fl Slash Pine 40 40 CP elliotii densa Pinus 0.863
Pinus elliotii Slash Pine 40 40 CP elliotii Pinus 0.813
Pinus p. Long Leaf Pine 40 40 CP palustris Pinus 0.625
Pittosporum tobira Green 40 40 CP tobira Pittosporum 0.813
Pittosporum tobira Var Pit 40 40 CP tobira Pittosporum 0.813
Platanus o. Sycamore 40 40 CP occidentalis Platanus 1.063
Plinia cauliflora 40 40 CP Jaboticaba Fruit Tree 4.375
Podocarpus m. Maki 40 40 CP macrophyllus Podocarpus 0.938
Podocarpus m. Meta compact 40 40 CP macrophyllus Podocarpus 0.863
Podocarpus m. Pringles 40 40 CP macrophyllus Podocarpus 0.863
Prunus a. Chickasaw Plum 60 60 CP angustifolia Prunus 1.063
Prunus s. Pond Pine 40 40 CP serotina Prunus 1.063
Prunus t. Loblolly Pine 40 40 CP taeda Prunus 1.063
Prunus umbellata 72 72 CP Flatwoods/Sloe Plum 1.063