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P.O Box 1587
Brandon FL 33509
Phone: (813)689-6706 or (800)237-7794
Fax: (813)684-5856
E-mail: [email protected]
Supplier #399
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Box Charges
Total no of Plant(s) : 55
Image Botanical Name Common Name Class/Size Price
Furcraea foetida variegated BR 250/cs Variegated Furcraea 2.175
Globba grandiflora 500/cs grandiflora Globba 0.653
Globba wintii White Dragon 500/cs Globba 0.653
Habranthus Amazing Jumbo Pink 800/cs Amazing Jumbo Pink Habranthus 0.218
Habranthus Cherry Pink 800/cs Cherry Pink Habranthus 0.218
Haemanthus multiflorus Lrg 100/cs 20-25cm 1.740
Haemanthus multiflorus Med 200/cs 16-20cm 1.450
Haemanthus multiflorus XL 60/cs 25-28cm 2.175
Haemanthus multiflorus XXL 30/cs XXL Haemanthus 3.625
Hymenocalis caribaea 200/cs Hymenocalis caribaea 0.653
Hymenocalis l. variegata 250/cs Hymenocalis l. variegata 0.653
Hymenocalis littoralis 250/cs Hymenocalis littoralis 0.653
Pandanus compactus variegata 50/cs Pandanus c. variegata 2.610
Plumeria p. Assorted Shds UR 100/cs rubra Plumeria 2.175
Plumeria pudica Pink URC 100/cs Hybrids Pink Plumeria p. 2.175
Plumeria pudica White URC 100/cs pudica White Plumeria 2.175
Plumeria r. Orange Shdes URC 100/cs rubra Plumeria 2.175
Plumeria r. Pk Rainbow Shds UR 100/cs rubra Pink Rainbow Plumeria 2.175
Plumeria r. Rainbow Shds URC 100/cs rubra Plumeria 2.175
Plumeria r. Red Shades URC 100/cs rubra Plumeria 2.175
Plumeria r. Whi/Yel Shds URC 100/cs rubra Plumeria 2.175
Plumeria r. Yellow Shades URC 100/cs rubra Plumeria 2.175
Plumeria Singapore White URC 100/cs Singapore White Plumeria 2.175
Polianthes tuberosa 500/cs Poliantes tuberosa 0.363
Tacca chanterii Black 100/cs Black Tacca chanterii 1.740