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P.O Box 1587
Brandon FL 33509
Phone: (813)689-6706 or (800)237-7794
Fax: (813)684-5856
E-mail: [email protected]
Supplier #1104
Box Size
Box Charges
FOB Umatilla, FL
Total no of Plant(s) : 52
Image Botanical Name Common Name Class/Size Price
Ligustrum Sinesis 40 40 CP Sinesis Ligustrum 0.500
Loropetalum Burgundy 40 40 CP Burgundy Loropetalum 0.620
Loropetalum Firedance 40 40 CP Firedance Loropetalum 0.620
Loropetalum Plum 40 40 CP Plum Loropetalum 0.620
Loropetalum Zhou Zhou 40 40 CP Zhou Zhou Loropetalum 0.620
Magnolia Bracken Brown 4in 12 CP Bracken Brown Magnolia 4.275
Magnolia DD Blanchard 4in 12 CP DD Blanchard Magnolia 4.275
Magnolia Little Gem 4in 12 CP Little Gem Magnolia 4.275
Magnolia Main Street 4in 12 CP Main Street Magnolia 4.275
Nandina Domestica 40 40 CP Domestica Nandina 0.750
Oleander Red 40 40 CP Red Oleander 0.480
Pittosporum Variegated 40 40 CP Variegated Pittosporum 0.500
Plumbago Auriulata 40 40 CP Auriulata Plumbago 0.500
Podocarpus Macrophyllus 40 40 CP Macrophyllus Podocarpus 0.580
Rhaphiolep. Indian Hawthorn 40 40 CP Indian Hawthorn Rhaphiolepis 0.580
Rhapis excelsa 40 40 CP Lady Palm 2.250
Trachycarpus fortunei 40 40 CP Windmill Palm 0.950
Viburnum Odoratissimum 40 40 CP Odoratissimum Viburnum 0.520
Viburnum Suspensum 40 40 CP Suspensum Viburnum 0.520
Viburnum Walters 40 40 CP Walters Viburnum 0.620
Washingtonia robusta 40 40 CP Washingtonia Palm 0.500
Wax Myrtle 60 60 CP Wax Myrtle 0.520