Plant Price List - Bill Moore and Company
Bill Moore and Company
P.O Box 1587
Brandon FL 33509
Phone:(813)689-6706 or (800)237-7794
E-mail:[email protected]
Supplier #1087
Box Size   PHYTO
Box Charges   Minimums
Pack   FOB Netherlands
Total no of Plant(s) : 7
Botanical Name Class/Size Common Name Price
Anthurium Aramon 72 72 CP Aramon Anthurium 1.650
Anthurium Dakota 72 72 CP Dakota Anthurium 1.650
Anthurium Missouri 72 72 CP Missouri Anthurium 1.650
Anthurium Nebraska 72 72 CP Nebraska Anthurium 1.650
Anthurium Pandola 72 72 CP Pandola Anthurium 1.650
Anthurium Sweet Dream 72 72 CP Sweet Dream Anthurium 1.650
Anthurium Utah 72 72 CP Utah Anthurium 1.650